
Worst giant robot pilot ever...or best?

I really don't get it. The creators obviously love this show, and while the audience may not have liked the second season all that much, they really seemed to love the third one and now the fourth is widely considered top notch (at least judging from what I read here and on Tumblr). So why does Nickelodeon seem to

Apparently he is a sprinting HR violation.


Riker's a walking HR violation.

Forget a reboot... let's go straight for a sequel. "The Next Starfighter". Give it a big budget and a great writer/director. Someone who can keep the lightness while still giving us some intensity, but nothing that wouldn't fit with the tone of the first movie. Give us some great CG, and something new to rival the

I see you've read my spec script for the new Starfighter movie.

Given the premise of the movie, it would work even better today given the modern obsession with military-themed multiplayer gaming. You could TOTALLY reimagine "The Last Starfighter" around "Halo" and "Mass Effect" type worldbuilding and storytelling. A modern reboot could be really awesome.

Couldn't do a reboot today - no cabinet video games anymore. Defend the Frontier with a XBox controller? Please.

"seriously, i personally believe that the era we live in now... is a once in a lifetime era.. in the next 10 to 20 years we are again back to gatekeepers telling us what we 'can' or 'should' know and what we can't... :)"

This is such a better analogy for the internet than the usual "wild west" one that I hear all the time.

"So the phallus from the palace is the shaft made with craft, and the boner that's a loner is the dong that is wrong!"

Jane Jacobs argues (and I was initially aghast at it, but was later convinced it had merit, if not convinced wholly) that large-scale agriculture did not allow for cities (or mega-villages), but cities necessitated the agricultural advances. It was based on market towns developing. Not a proper specialization in

This is a big reason why I wish serious animation, aimed at adults, was more of a thing in the US. (and no, guys, animation still isn't taken all that seriously. The majority of adult American animation is wacky comedy that often relies on shock value and/or toilet humor. Animation still isn't viewed as particularly

not sure if this is on topic. but i've noticed a strange space opera trope lately of characters incorporating odd phrases like "galaxy forbid" or other things that unnaturally draw attention to the fact that the society has mastered interstellar travel. i think it's a sign of weak world building. if interstellar

There is a distinct difference between 'suspense' and 'surprise,' and yet many pictures continually confuse the two. I'll explain what I mean.

I'd watch the heck out of this. Who's with me?

>Gawker media's editorial entirely staffed by corvids

"I cannot defeat this Goomba. I can only kill him, and that no longer holds my interest." - Jem'Hadar First Mari'Oklan.

Kill him? Why would I do that? I've done far worse, I've destroyed his family, his friends, and brought the leader of his kind to his knees before I threw him off of a balcony. I won't kill you goomba, because there's no need to. I've already destroyed you.