
Perry knows. Just as Gordon knows full well that Bruce is Batman. They’re just too good at their jobs to not know —but also smart and compassionate enough to know why that particular secret needs to be kept.

And the Fate of the Jedi arc (the last modern-era Star Wars books before the reboot) goes into more depth as to what the Celestials were doing: the galaxy cycles through periods of destruction and rebirth, and the Celestials were the shepherds of that process, tasked with rebuilding (using the Killiks) after each

Of course Barry’s going to be late. . .

That whole universe needs to find itself a Cisco.

Is it because your toe-pads won’t work outside?

When the cat’s away, the rats plot treason.

Trump is a blithering idiot with no business acumen and tiny lobes. The Ferengi would be embarrased to claim him.

I don’t think he’s smart enough to be Brunt.

Most of the Alliance’s top soldiers were former Imperials. They got an up-close look at what the Empire was and made the moral choice.

Sounds like Trooper-3 signed up first, then his younger brother followed him (but ended up Army instead of the Stormtrooper corps). Older brother pulled “luckier” assignments, while Younger brother was posted to DS II.

You see rejected designs, I see a Lexcorp trooper missing his jetpack, and an unpainted Slade-bot.

Part of the issue with TV-Flash’s suit (and every other Berlantiverse superhero costume) is that they’re A) made on a TV budget, B) need to be something the actor can throw on quickly with minimal help, and C) need to put up with a season’s worth of wear-and-tear (if you need a new suit, it’ll have to wait until

Not entirely: the point-of-origin (the one unique symbol on the gate dial) was different. The Egypt gate had the familiar chevron-with-a-circle, but the Antarctic gate had a flat horizontal line with a circle over it. That’s why Carter initially assumed that they were on another planet.

No, Grayson is the one with the butt. He’s trying out for Tim Drake.

What’s interesting is that this manages to be a more realistic take on Voyager than the actual series —repairs are under way constantly, large chunks of the ship are just plain inaccessible, and formerly “automated” systems now involve someone crawling through a Jeffries tube to manually unplug a cable.

The differences between the Trek and Wars EUs are fascinating: The Star Wars EU was created “top-down,” with a managing editor at LucasBooks keeping everything organized and directing the overall storyline. The Trek novelverse is entirely from the ground up —the authors themselves started getting together for drinks

Sort of. The novels are subordinate to any TV or movie content (for reasons that have nothing to do with quality and everything to do with Tradition).

Yeah, these are known as the “relaunch” continuity (as opposed to the “Countdown” continuity that leads to Star Trek Online —there are some mutually-exclusive elements). Hobus will eventually explode and Spock will go MIA, but the specifics won’t match the “Countdown” movie prequel.

The same way there were Borg left after being exposed to Hugh’s virus, or the Unimatrix Zero fiasco.

Geez, Elliot. You didn’t have to waste a whole canful of perfectly good Pringles. Get a bowl or something.