Curtis Wenis

Oh yah, man. Us cool guys get all the ladies!!!!!

“Oh, goddamnit. Now everyone is going to think I’m a Colts fan.” -Rex Ryan

Typical of soccer to have an important match decided in a shootout.

Good thing you're on gawker media where no conservative articles show up.

I am very much not following what you’re putting down, here. What are you talking about?

Let our coaches coach us! That’s why we came here!

For once the Browns won’t even have to draft a quarterback to guarantee themselves a bunch of picks.

i literally only text when im driving impaired. dont police me. glad you solved this case though. monty appreciates the prayers too.


god fucking dammit

rocket appliance

whatever you say ma’am.

wow, james. you really got this internet thing nailed down. it’s almost like you know me and there’s no way you could be looking dumb right now.

i dont do parties. i spend me free time reading and learning about rape culture while you’re out being “a riot at parties.”

nope. sorry but you’re an awful person.

i rely on facts sorry lady.



men cant be raped

thanks, i know, pag.