
Stop bitching and fuckin adapt

"Stop bitching and fuckin adapt."

Whew, this story is like a breath of fresh air. I'm so sick and tired of hearing about athletes getting charged with murder.




It's unclear what happened between Hernandez, Abreu, and Furtado at the Cure on that fateful Monday, but sources report that on Friday they were in love.

I'm surprised this has taken people so long to piece together. Back in 2004, when an FHM interviewer presented her with a Fuck, Marry, Kill scenario, she said "The entire Mets organization, Kris, and Michael Evans."

George Zimmerman..back working night watch tomorrow? Thoughts? - Donovan McNabb (@DonovanJMcNabb)

Unbelievable. That guy loves to witness.

she asked if they could play for Knicks tickets instead...offered her Nets tickets as a consolation

Kennedy writes that she won the dice game, so there was no question of him "filleting my vag like a sea bass."

Kobe will be 35 coming off an injury thats no longer a career death sentence, unless youre derrick rose and scared of your shadow. Jordan was 38 and coming off a three year layoff. I have faith in kobe to comeback and be just as good if not better than jordan was as a wizard

I'll never understand this. How is Dwight Howard not significantly more maligned than LeBron James? He is the fucking WORST. Aside from LeBron's two mistakes: 1.) The Decision, which was admittedly WAY-the-hell over the top and egotistically unparalleled. (But still just a free-agency decision that got all dolled

Breaking news: Matt Light predicts that Daniel Abreu and Safiro Furtado have been shot and will eventually die of their wounds, and that someone could possibly face charges if the police can investigate correctly.

Peter King tweets: "Aaron Hernandez killed Odin Lloyd for a reason, folks."

Aaron Rodgers was supposed to go at the top of the draft but slipped to #24, so obviously he's going to gun someone down in the street any day now "because Green Bay isn't big enough for the two of them."

I'm not sure how this works since it's the off-season. Does Hernandez have to clear waivers or can he sign with the Bills from jail?

He definitely killed that guy. I mean he got caught smoking pot in college. Connect the dots.

"Let he who hasn't gone out drinking with friends and had a member of the group end up shot inside the car during the ride home on two separate occasions in a span of four months cast the first stone!" - Matthew 3:24

as my father always told me, you don't kill where you shit.