I'm going to stop defending my choices to assholes and just start using the simple but brilliant sign off "because fuck you that's why."
I'm going to stop defending my choices to assholes and just start using the simple but brilliant sign off "because fuck you that's why."
I don't mean to worry anyone, but I think Steven Tyler might be being played by James Franco now. Let's hope my eyes are broken.
I used to work at a strip club in Dupont Circle D.C. that was a block away from the utterly fantastic Kramerbooks & Afterwords, a 24 hour bookstore and cafe.
I made my husband think our baby was going to be a girl, when I knew I was having a boy.
Sometimes I feel like lies don't count as lies when the truth is nobody's business anyway.
Not if you're a Piston's fan. Although, really, my only true, burning hatred was focused on the Bulls. I actually kind of liked Starks because he would occasionally get over on Jordan, who I hated with the intensity of a billion suns.
True, there are exceptions. I had a friend who always used to crash on my couch rather than drive home drunk. That was well and good when I was out getting drunk myself. But then I'm suddenly no longer 21 or 22 doing so. Yet he still showed up. 23 comes and goes, no letting up. Finally I had to tell him to knock that…
Once—and not even that long ago, if you'd believe—it was widely thought that Mario Balotelli was a good or great…
Justin Lagat, who lives in Kenya, in fact, is Kenyan, wrote a piece for RunBlogRun on the four ways in which Kenyans…
Vagnoni is 56, a few years older than I am (I'm at the boom's end.). When she writes about the ideas boomers have about how parents should be treated, I have to laugh. Boomers treated their parents like garbage. They had tons of advantages. The kind no group before or since had.
Ari, just wanted to say I love your posts about your wife. You sound like the greatest people and it's heartwarming to read bits and pieces of your lovely, healthy marriage. I wish you had a blog to show newlyweds how to "do marriage". Now I'm smiling and will go kiss my lovely husband for no reason.:)
Do you love answering questions about yourself on the internet? Of course you do. Everyone does — hence the…
"After further review, it has been determined that the ball carrier was not facing Mecca at the time of his celebration; therefore the penalty stands."
The sad irony of this, of course, is that Taylor's death had at least as much to do with him being a millionaire who lived in a big house as it had to do with him being a young black man. That is to say, the guys were robbing the house because it was big and they figured there'd be lots of valuable shit in it. …
Dumb men don't know that you shouldn't go anywhere near a pool when you're on your cycle.
Do the Challenger disaster next!
The baseball-card collection I had as a teen—145,000 cards in all when I last bothered to count, 800-count box after…
I'm visualizing this woman as she posts these.