
What is wrong with you people? How can you not see the inherent racism in a comment that promotes the systematic displacement of all alligators in the southeast to an unnatural climate in which they'd have no chance of surviving? We're talking about alligator genocide basically by the self-proclaimed superior human

Because it implies people coming here illegally deserve to be dead? Because it says this only should happen to people crossing the Mexican border and not, say... crossing the border with Canada? Because it's tweeted by a redneck that had no issue whatsoever with the use of "the chop" and who's he trying to kid?

I know the way he expressed it looks terrible, but lets not be too harsh on Chipper. If anyone knows about the pratfalls that come with wide-scale immigration, it'd be a Brave.

I disagree with any negative comments related to this post. The mere knowledge that someone, somewhere in the world named their child "Seventh Woods" should be enough to delight and amaze.

Very often, when I give my view that there is no supernatural dimension, and certainly not one that is only or especially available to the faithful, and that the natural world is wonderful enough—and even miraculous enough if you insist—I attract pitying looks and anxious questions. How, in that case, I am asked, do I

Hmmm, well, as long as you're playing that stupid game:

Why aren't Christians pro abortion? If the "unborn baby" hasn't committed the original sin of birth and is merely an innocent lamb murdered by a hell-bound OB-GYN, then doesn't his or her precious unborn soul floats right up to the Gates in the sky to be with

You're dodging the obvious question, and one that you created with your own "reasoning".

Huh? What in the hell did your rant even mean? Seriously, watching people thank an Invisible Sky Wizard for allowing their house to either blow away or fall down on top of them is completely insane. And afterward, thanking that same ISW for keeping you alive to pick up the pieces, just like the Atheist you described

That's called an argument from ignorance.

Please...its a funny quote from Billy Madison, while I do believe it applies to you hence why I pasted it, if you want to get all uppity with your responses, we can do that. Lets begin.

"Why don't all atheists commit massive suicide in cases like this, since there is absolutely no meaning in this life?"
Really? Did you

I would actually argue that the fact they don't believe in a afterlife only leads them to value life that much more. That a meaningful life is extremely important and doing everything in your power to live the best loving life as possible is paramount. Being an atheist has nothing to do with believing in a lack of

He didn't call you an idiot; he said your comment was idiotic. And it was a quote from Billy Madison.

What you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have

THIS. You're going to get a lot of grief for this post, but the writer has articulated an argument about which people prefer not to think. (I'm curious who wrote it and why.)

And yet they continue to tell us about how their religion is the most tolerant and loving of them all.

I'm going to blatantly copy/paste something I saw on my Facebook feed today, but it's very accurate, especially the last part about how the only hands you see helping and saving people are human hands.

"It’s an unpopular topic in many circles, but in the aftermath of the devastating tornado that ravaged Moore, Oklahoma

So she should thank the lord for destroying her house, and almost killing her and her family?

So I'm standing in the middle of a place that looks like an atomic bomb was just set off over, and I'm asked "do you thank the Lord?"

Even if I was a religious person I'd answer: Excuse me, Wolf? No. Fuck the Lord. Look at this place. There's nothing left except rubble and dead bodies. Are you really as stupid as

Why? If it's the same entity that can create a 40-day flood but couldn't spike the barometric pressure to save a couple schools, then "thanks" would be pretty low on my list.

Doesn't God work in mysterious ways, everyone? In the face of such a tragedy, he's always there to remind us of the one fact that can hold us together, through thick and thin: that Wolf Blitzer is an oblivious fucking asshole.