
The NBA is riddled with low geometry achievers, this is why the triangle offense was so successful for so long.

This would be a moot point if only the NFL had some sort of requirement that players had to attend college for a couple years prior to being drafted.

Anyone know when Las Águilas signed all the Corona brothers?

This post on Gawker awhile back shows why wearing Puma during a murder or attempted murder is a bad idea.

I assume his death resulted from the most common of citations when one is decapitated, Clogged Neck Hole. See the head really is just a filter for the neck hole where the body breaths and thinks and stuff. Head falls off, most people can survive, if the hospital pops a new clean one on in a timely manner, think Legos,

Thank you for recognizing this. I was disturbed that it was not fully covered. Seventh, why not Fifth, or Eighth, I could see avoiding Sixth, too close to Sex and then you have Sex Woods and that is just mean. I want an article about why the chose Seventh and why they didn't go with 7th Woods.

I don't think Neymar's size will be what determines his success. I think the factors are how smart he is as a futbol player. Barca's system to me is very specific. It is the reason they generally poach players from Arsenal and Spanish internationals. They are similar to the Bulls and the Lakers during the triangle

What is the ratio of none "first world problems" being posted on a forum dedicated to M3's?

I think you left the conversation we were having behind, and ventured somewhere else. I am not sure why you did that. Perhaps you are using some sort of reverse logic I and my atheist mind have yet to grasp, a sort of theologic jiu jitsu to try and mind fuck me, or maybe you really have nothing to say to defend your

It seems that you have used the replies from other atheists to justify your extremely negative view of atheists. So this comment I came back to make is in that regard. I am only frustrated by the devoted when they want to make public policy out from their interpretation of the Bible or "God's Law", and when their

Not really sure what your equation equates to.

The only proper response to this would have been, "Wolf I do hope the next major natural disaster sweeps through your life, destroying all your material possessions but sparing you, so we can all see you thank your lord for his great destructive gift he bestowed upon you."

I have gone through so many of your posts, and I really resent myself for spending the time to do that. I have never had faith nor believed in anything. I could get into why that is, but it is not from lack of exposure, it was deliberate and I have ventured out, explored and studied the theologies I have rejected. I

Seriously yes on both of those. I had a good friend growing up whose cousin was on the tour. He was good enough to make cuts, but rarely ever to finish a tournament in the top 10. He made a decent living for about a decade and a half, but rarely cracking $250k after expenses. But talking to him, his cousin went back

You spent nearly an hour devising this retort. Let us re-examine how you are "winning" this troll war. You came to a Gawker property and attempted to make a "funny by" insulting people's kids. That is fine I suppose, except nothing you actually said was funny. Then instead of addressing the actual person you were

Only child no stepdad, and you spent Sunday morning thinking about how to molest kids.

I like that your trolling is not towards me, but rather you want to see if you can affect me by insulting my kid. And I am the amateur? Right. For the record the amount of thought you put into how to molest a child is not normal. The fact that this is something you spend Sunday mornings fantasizing about is extremely

You are seriously a wonderful person. How long did you spend brewing with shame and anger after I referenced you as an asshole. Is it because you took offense to the foster care reference, hit too close to home. Did child services remove you from your home as a youth and you were in foster care, got molested by one of


Your brilliant animal eats their own shit, and spends most of the time licking their own taint. My 3 year old, no matter how much meth she consumes, still knows her alphabet, her numbers to 100 and can still identify who has a sense of humor, and who is just an asshole.