
Yea Chelski would have to pass on one of their US friendlies because UEFA requires all paperwork to be in by June 3rd for teams competing in CL. Also, right after that date internationals start and you'd have players leaving to travel the globe. Wembley would have been a great venue for fans., but it is booked.

Holy fuck. A "fur mommy"? People use this sort of expression? Fuckin' "clever" people are ruining everything. Also, the placement of those two words together sounds like a very specific type of 70's porn.

So very true, and sadly it seems the one who have 3, 4, 5 or more are oftentimes the ones that should have not had any to begin with.

So you must be an acquaintance of my sister in-law, the only childless sibling in my wife's large family. The one who seriously asked us to re-schedule our daughter's birthday (2nd birthday) so she could celebrate her dog's birthday the same day? The one who compared me teaching the daughter her numbers and letters

When/if you decide to have kids, have them with the right person. My wife is awesome, but I see some of my friends and relatives who chose spouses poorly. Much much harder. But parents complain no matter what. It is still pretty sweet when your daughter calls you "Daddy" and spontaneously hugs you or kisses you or

To be fair, I am a clean freak and I honestly have no fucking idea the bath routine for dogs. I have two living things at home that require me to clean up their hair shedding, and make sure they have food. I call them the wife and the daughter. The daughter also requires baths, help changing, wiping, brushing, and

He wouldn't take his dog to the park. He seems more like the type to put peanut butter on his sack, have the dog lick it off, and then rape and beat the dog.

11. Hypocrites.

Yes fuck them. It is a god damn dog. It is not a child. You leave food in bowl on the floor for it. Bathe it weekly, maybe, and can step out of the house for many fucking hours without Children Services arresting you and sending your "kid" to foster care where she will end up stripping and on meth by her 16th birthday.

I think your post hits the point well though. You post surgery have a new normal. Your old knee does not exist anymore. Like my old elbow (broken bone), old ankle/foot (torn Brevis Tendon), no longer exists. That person, athlete what have you is not around anymore and you enter the world of post injured person. This

Even the worst bacon should never be wasted on an earthworm.

Who the hell takes 8 minutes to chew a strip a bacon?

I had a few of those. Didn't score on the pk's though. Spent about 30 mins and only netted 12 goals & 15 posts. Can't decide if that was 30 mins well spent or wasted.

So is the Moss quote distilled "Race car drivers think with their dicks." I am father to a three year old daughter and my dream is for her to be an F1 driver (after happy & healthy of course). Yet I am also married to someone who often knows more than I do. Being able to to utilize the thinking power of my penis in an

Harry Reid Majority Leader & senior US Senator from NEVADA?

I think this could be solved if the NCAA wasn't a corrupt organization trying to keep the status quo. Each university puts a direct yearly value on what the athlete's benefits cost. Education, housing, training, tutoring, all of it, clothes trips home, etc (except medical). That cost is presented along with the

F1 driver. I love soccer, but have you ever noticed what is sitting in the stands at a Newcastle match or a Stoke City match. The problem with soccer is that its popularity and global reach means there are just too many players to pull the best groupies consistently. Now F1 drivers on the other hand travel the globe,

I agree, but even "amateur" athletes should be better at dodgeball.


Is someone preparing one of these for Larry Hughes? I have a wonderfully random aside about my brother telling him to "Fuck Off!" at the second And 1 tour in Venice and a whole grandstand of people then pointing at Hughes and laughing.