
Well of course, it is Florida where one must stand their ground.

I can see where you are going with the IP issue, but I'd point to the fact that the race was being conducted in Florida. Florida does not follow US laws and statutes, it is entirely possible Florida adheres to the general 3 second rule which prevails in non-legislated areas of society. If that is so, and the team was

Also not a NASCAR fan but from my understanding it is like baseball, when a bat enters the stand, the one who catches it can then sell it to the player or in this case driver for autographs or whatever else. Although I have read it is possible that golf gallery rules are possibly enforced and it goes into the realm of

I am not disagreeing with you at all and I don't know your personal situation, ie parent, non-parent, age, particulars of your situation etc. Depression obviously drives a lot of suicide attempts, but not everyone who is depressed is suicidal and not every suicide is linked directly to depression. I could extrapolate

Very selfish. My mom tried, unsuccessfully, to kill herself when I was 13, my brother 10. There were a vast number of substantial internal conflicts she was dealing with plus my step-father who was extremely violent physically and psychologically and falling deeper into the abuse of substances, but to this day 22


They really are, and for anyone with a kid in diapers or with one on the way, sign up for Amazon Prime Mom and get that extra savings (like 5% now)but they used to offer 15% in addition to your subscribe and save discount which is like 5% and I was paying like $0.075 per Pampers. Not to sound overly enthusiastic but

He has way too much baggage. I used to work for his companies during his time in LA. The stories that would flood out from his playing days would really do damage. Not substance use type things or any things like that, just crazy ass things. Also, and sadly for what this says about our country, he, unlike our

So game finishes, the entire team heads back to the locker room sweaty and wanting to get out of their pads and on with their lives. All of them straight except one, what are you worried about exactly, does the gay teammate just bend over the guy undressing next to him and start hammering him from behind while

I saw it already, sorry to spoil it, but the girl dies at the end.

+1 She'll make the toughest homeboy fall deep in love

I have always wished they'd do this in baseball. Screw national/american league. Have one league clean and one dirty. I want to see crazy giant headed freaks slam baseballs 600'. I want to see super humans leap up 14' fences to rob people of homeruns, pitchers throwing 110mph while their elbows explode. And then I

Kidnapped on the way to the airport to visit me, by Mexican or African organ dealers. Taken to third world country or Mississippi where she is either slaughtered for her organs to be harvested for a middle eastern oil tycoon or sold into sex slavery ring (like in Taken) then ritualistically killed during fetish orgy

Was that other circle of life that was covered in Lion King Part 2 because I only watched the first one?

Does one go to hell for killing off their fake girlfriend? Which religion has jurisdiction on this matter, the Mormons or the Catholics?

The Human fund only gets donations for Festivus and tragic/inspirational death stories surrounding D1 college linebackers. In the case of hoaxes all Human fund donations are returned. It is in the bylaws.

I just have to put this out there. I want to say thanks for the lighter joking comments on this. I lost a parent to suicide (pills not gunshot) when I was younger. The loss is compounded when it occurs during a holiday or psuedo-holiday (mine was the latter Super Bowl) I haven't watched a Super Bowl since that

Apologies, It is a security six .357 with wood grips and enhanced sightings, that has been passed down from my grandfather along with a lifetime NRA membership (for the record it also like all .357's in the revolver model fires .38's which I prefer at the range for price and less kickback). Of course when being

On my visits to Seattle I have seen more deers ran over crossing highways than dogs. I am assuming in other deer laden areas this is a similar occurrence. As far as ducks, I get mine in Chinatown.