Same thing you do with everything you own. Break it and leave it scattered in pieces around your yard.
Same thing you do with everything you own. Break it and leave it scattered in pieces around your yard.
If I were his landlord and I’d been following him on Jalopnik, I’d be pissed as fuck about what he’s been doing to the kitchen. We’re looking at new flooring and more.
Lots of landlords rent shitbox houses to sloppy individuals. They’re a perfect match because neither gives a shit about the property. If Crusty McJeepgrease moves out, the landlord would have a tough time renting it without either fixing it up or finding trash can Carla.
Why do you think he keeps renting to David? Obviously there’s no way he can rent this to anyone else without major work.
$1000 says that any food he makes has a distinctive oily taste
I can. The front of the Lincoln is a mess and the greenhouse rear looks like something from 2002, while the Escalade is clean and consistent throughout.
The Cadillac looks better. Way better.
You would be one of only twelve people in the entire country that would think that ...
Amazon devices, Tile slims, and hard drives for your PS4 (or anything else) lead off Sunday’s best deals.
Nope, collapsed airbags. Lincolns are notorious for failed air suspension systems dating back to the Mark VIII
Are you sure it’s not just a broken air suspension? I’ve seen quite a few FoMoCo products with that problem...
I literally just bought one. :) 2000 4x4 Extended Cab. 2k cash. Lots of 2wd work trucks under 2k.
Yeah. Where I live, we had 2 1/2 weeks of -30C (-22 F) with a -40C(-40F) windchill. Unless you have a heated Garage,NOT warming up your car is impossible.
21 F is not that cold.
If you have a fetish for sleeping with your hand between 2 pillows this is the perfect car.
Jo(h)n Voight is on line 2...
“A Chevy will run poorly longer than most cars will run at all.” - Someone
The new heavy gauge steel subframe in a hard enough crash will simply go into the passenger compartment by going through the other materials. Other than that all he may have is corrosion issues of the aluminum parts dissolving where they touch the steel if there isn’t an electrical barrier between them.
Make a 25 minute long youtube video walking around your yard about it.