That’s nothing. Wait until they find they secluded private island lair...
That’s nothing. Wait until they find they secluded private island lair...
In between the extremes of “companies should be charities” and “companies should be free to do anything” is “companies should be responsible”. This Wall Street obsession with short term bonuses at the expense of long term health is precisely what’s wrong with the economy today. Companies aren’t spreading wealth…
Mazda created a vehicle that will start every single time and not self-immolate.
Not only that, but time has a a way of shaping our memories, particularly if we’ve suffered trauma, or mental illness, or drug abuse, or all three. I have no trouble believing that she suffered abuse at the hands of Joseph Jackson, and exaggerated those memories as she was abused by Jack Gordon, and came to believe…
I remember this entire thing. Everyone thought she was just Jackson’s crazy sister, trying to piggyback his fame...talking like him, looking like him, ect. The talk shows and tabloids (which if you weren’t around then, it was the be-all-end-all of pop culture and celebrity news) had a field day talking about her, and…
Check out Tyler Hoovie’s channel - He’s got one like this and it’s a rock....
Almost as bad as for a poor person in the US.
“Lebanonese” should be “Lebanese”, shouldn’t it? Feel free to delete this comment if i’m wrong or if it’s corrected.
Jalopnik should have a feature where David drives and reviews ONLY appalling shitboxes. With his obsession with rusted out piles of Jeep and his love of taking things apart, we could call it The Automasochist.
The winter tire advocate answer would be: “I can’t believe anyone would advocate ‘all season oil’. I have to have perfect engine conditions so that I can drive 200 MPH and corner at 3 Gs on my way to my burger flipping job on the coldest day of the winter, just like the hottest day of the summer.”
Misleading? Ha! It never ceases to amaze me how quickly a borrower forgets how generous loans can be. When you’re on the rocks, no one wants to loan you money. I mean, it’s a business transaction, right? And I’m sure (not really) the interest rates were appropriate (ahem, probably not). The unions were simultaneously…
Ford Management: “We’ve wildly over estimated earnings and made some very questionable decisions this year resulting in a loss of profit, jobs, and market share. So the workforce will have to pay for our bonuses, greed, and stupidity with their jobs.”
“If I was Ford this is what I’d do.
Operator let his emotions get the better of him. There is no excuse for this. He could have saved an enormous amount of wear and tear on the tracks and idlers if he took 2 seconds to stabilize himself with the blade before having a go at the doors. Equally, if he was working from a stable platform, he could have…
So the hood is almost eye level with a grown man? I hope this dick measuring contest ends soon.
The tip to the rental company was when the vehicle was returned with no panel gaps.
Wow, this guy still has no idea how to design - well, anything.
Oh, and here’s another guess: