What are you talking about? Mark McGwire and Jose Canseco have done a cycle in the same game multiple times.
What are you talking about? Mark McGwire and Jose Canseco have done a cycle in the same game multiple times.
Radio, is that you? Be crazy if I found a clanmate in the Kotaku comment section.
This sport is stupid and silly and run by dumb-dumbs and it is the best sport and I love it.
To me she will always be BW3.
I assume there are other readers my age who grew up in Ohio.
Wow, is this headline a reference to the original name of Buffalo Wild Wings? How many people did you think were going to get that?
Nah. Got to make it more relevant to the Wings. Has to be the complete assembly of a Hot and Ready Pizza and showing it being cooked.
I think his reasoning for toning it down is fair. It’s nice, if a bit unusual, for a streamer to realize that his actions and mannerisms can effect how a lot of kids act, and adjust his stream to be more of a positive influence.
The World Cant
Did you miss the “Barstool” bit?
I just can’t buy in on spectating all of the craziness that goes on in an Overwatch match. There’s just too much going on in a given moment and it can end so quickly which is unfortunate because I really want this to thrive so other games can thrive.
Ohio Opiod Crisis.
“A-B-B-B-A? That will never work”
The entire game was supposed to be designed for players to hop from hero to hero depending on comp. If anything people should be swapping more then they should be.
It’s the same reason kids yell this shit when playing online multiplayer.
White, mid 20's, socially awkward douchebags that have no idea how to interact with real live human beings. So, you know, it’ll be just like every other Boston sports scene.
TBH, there were already a lot of ways to compare Ty Cobb to the tweets of a lot of these people.
“We won the war. We really clobbered them!”
I think of that book every time I shave because early on there’s a metaphor for being so engrossed in how you’re doing something, you don’t really step back and look at the bigger picture. Also yes, that book rules.