Democrats are going to lose worse in 2020 than you did in 2016.
Democrats are going to lose worse in 2020 than you did in 2016.
What’s up my racist brother!?
Hahaha...who’s going to do that...YOU??
So explain why they keep coming here and checking in to these “concentration camps” if they’re so bad.
The only people that can afford this are those that will never play with it.
So, you’re applying the behavior of a few to judge an entire group of people?
You guys sound like what you think Trump sounds like.
Woke Bond?
Lol ok whatever internet tough guy.
Lol, wow. Did you really just post something by AOC, like she actually has any clue what she’s talking about?
I enjoyed San Andreas.
Well, nobody is really going out of their way to try to find female rappers. So he’s likely just talking about what we hear on the radio. And he’s right, it’s all the same pussy poppin’, trying to find another 8 figure dude to siphon away all his money because he can’t withstand the allure of your pussy and how good…
The point of racing should be to bring the fastest car you can drive. Not all drive the same car and let’s see which human can turn and push their foot the best. Who the fuck cares about what the driver is doing in car racing???
since the power levels on all the cars should act the same
Or at the very least package it in a large container that someone can’t just slip in their pocket/purse.
So what?
Really? REALLY? Because John McCain.
Funny how he hasn’t changed his tone or called anyone any names but the “justice for everyone” crowd is just blasting him.
I’ve tried doing this with a group of friends, but egos get in the way and people are just sure they know the correct answer and then proceed to convince everyone else to answer incorrectly.
You only get 6 to 7 seconds to answer a question (once you’ve read the question or wait for the host to read it for you), so it’s not the easiest thing to cheat at.