They should cash in and make this a thing with more colors and parts for different trim pieces. More customization options on the order sheet is never a bad thing.
They should cash in and make this a thing with more colors and parts for different trim pieces. More customization options on the order sheet is never a bad thing.
All you single ladies wondering why you’re still single but support this lifestyle need look no further for the reason.
Complete F1 newb here, but I want to make sure I understood what I just read.
SSD’s wear out quickly if they are filled past the half way point
I believe the hoop is like a gasket for the cockpit glass. The “pinecones” look a bit like giant pipe cleaners.
God damn that is a sexy truck.
Damn, is that like that movie where all the sorority rejects band together to create their own sorority of mutants?
Let’s see....multiply by 3, carry the 1...nope, you’re wrong.
I’m only an asshole to people who treat me like one.
No, it’s super ugly and impractical unless you’re driving on a closed race track since there’s no way to check your blind spots. And WTF is up with those brake light/rear blinkers? Just no...
Jesus fucking Christ, you idiot.
Your logic is flawed.
That’s just...reaching. Like the bible thumper lady that insists Monster energy drink is satanic because their “M” logo looks like 3 ancient alphabetic characters that translate to the number 666.
Shit, Kotaku has an entire section devoted to racists. They call it The Root.
Fucking idiots. You absolute fucking morons. Goddamnit, I hate you so much when you do this shit, chat... You’re like 12 years old.
It’s because most people are scared of latino sharks.
I’d put money on Reuss being fired/forced to resign by this time next year.
I think it largely depends on how much of a gearhead you are. If you don’t find joy in working on your own vehicles then probably only things that are required to make your car go or pass an inspection, plus A/C are worth repairing.
Same here. I never really was a fan of any super cars since I figured I’d never be able to own one. I basically want to drive everything that’s $100k or less.
Game is trash...why is he punishing himself?