
Interface is great, but only if you've got something to interface with. You can say the others are lazy to use third party developers, but I'd say it's the opposite. If they followed the same model as Nintendo, we'd be up to our nostrils in Crash Bandicoot and gaming would be much worse off. Yes you get a lot of

I don't know if you are a griefer in GTAO, and I have no way to verify it. However, based on the level of your discourse in the forum, along with your arrogance and stunning blowhardery, I'd not be shocked in the least if you were not also an unrepentant cunt ingame as well. Good day, sir. May you continue to enjoy

It's not that Nintendo aims for the bottom, its that they aren't even playing the same game as Sony and MS. Nintendo does Nintendo. It is their goal to be the best Nintendo out of all the other Nintendos....which is still just themselves. They release intriguing tech, but it doesn't make up for the fact that they've

you were on debate team in high school, weren't you? I can always tell. The concise, fact based arguments, the top notch elocution.

But I digress, if you would have read my post, you'd have seen I wasn't just talking about GTA. A lot of games have the "fuck you, yay me rah rah rah" toxic assholes. It doesn't even have

Their approach to controls is different, but all Nintendo does is re-release the same dozen games over and over and over and over. They take no risks with content, and they push no envelopes other than interface. Nintendo only does Nintendo, but it does Nintendo really well. But if you don't like Mario or Zelda or

But they aren't really keeping the old guard interested if all the old guard wants to do is do the coward stuff by stomping on new players. If you've ran out of level appropriate stuff to do and that's all you're doing now, what's the point? Go get a new game.

sparkling interpersonal skills. Your wife is a lucky lady

The point is here, you are over there. No, people don't stop playing because someone shot them. People stop playing when a community is full of assholes and griefers. There are plenty of games I stopped playing because of the community. I miss playing the battlefield games and even the GTA multiplayers because the

You're basically the reason people don't want to play. Thanks for all you do. It's important stuff.

I kind of want to see Jupiter Ascending, but I still can't get past Channing Tatum's "It goes to 11" guyliner. He looks ridiculous and completely takes me out of whatever is going on. Did no one notice this in shooting?

With any luck, the movie will be great and he'll enjoy the hell out of it, then release a statement something to the effect of, "Wow, I should have done this sooner. Also, I'm sorry about everything, you guys."

The lot of them should be forced to use Icy Hot as lube when they wank.

So we really shouldn't go after any criminal then, because there's always going to be crime? Sound logic. You seem to be a fellow with a finger firmly on the pulse of the modern human condition. Let's just let the criminals go willy nilly for a bit. They'll wear themselves out then eventually have to lay down for a

you are so aggressively unpleasant and contrary in this thread that you're working your way towards being the embodiment of any number of internet hater stereotypes. It's like you're afraid your wifi password would get changed if you say something nice. (hint: this is where you make some awesomely sour comment about

you need that hands-free light sabre with that bulky armor

very nearly every episode of Archer is full of very off-color stuff at minimum and flat-out horrible stuff at other times. When you are lampooning people of varying levels of bigotry, things get said.

If it is indeed Krieger.....

Watch the OT again and think of this. In Jedi, Vader was on Endor. In Empire, he was with the raiding party that attacked the Hoth base, and he was the point person at Cloud City. In A New Hope, he's part of the boarding party for Leia's ship. In fact, any place where there was an operation involving his command, he

You're lucky this isn't the 1200s. That kind of blasphemy would get you burned at the stake

The audiobooks over the last few years in the Star Wars EU would probably do for you then. Cinematic score, sound effects and very capable voice actors. Marc Thompson reads quite a few and his Luke, Solo, C3PO and Lando voices are freakishly on point.