
Honestly, I'd love to see "human power" utilized on a larger scale. Converting human movement into electricity is awesome!

WHY CAN'T I DOWNLOAD ARAGORN! I need this gif in my life/on my hard drive.

"Has anyone ever told you how fun I am at weddings? All I am doing is saying"

Why is Lindsey lohan not in jail? Srsly, if she wasn't a famous white chick, she would have been in jail ages ago.

You look so beautiful in that picture, Dodai!

Now playing

Feels like a good time to share this for any who haven't seen it. Epic.

In February 2011, the makers of Plan B submitted an application to remove the age restriction from Plan B to the FDA. The FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, with input from pediatricians and gynecologists, recommended that the age restriction be lifted. Afterwards in December of 2011, the Health and Human

Must the pendulum be swung in the far opposite direction? Why are we so consistently blind to middle ground?

My niece and nephew got their first rifles when they were around 6 or 7. My niece has a pink one. It's not that unusual in rural America.

"Dogs are like humans, and when they accessorize they get attention. A pink dog does not know it's pink, but when people are smiling and taking pictures, it gets attention. So, a dog likes to get tattoos."

I would take the free copy of Call of Duty tbh.


"Does that make you nervous?"

Well, I'm a man so I'm no great expert either (i'm glad someone finally told me where the clitoris is located-kidding) but the educational system in this country blows.

I'm afraid of women. Well, not afraid... maybe intimidated? Maybe it's because I've never really had to fight for anything in my life. White male privilege takes one a long way even if it's not intended. My point is, most of the women I've met in my life have seemed so much stronger than me. Like they're so much more

I wanted to thank everyone who sent prayers/happy thought/etc to my friend in Afghanistan last night who lost his leg and was badly wounded by an IED. It seems unlikely he'll survive, but if you could all send more prayers/happy thoughts for peace and a lack of suffering in his final days and love and support to his

Don't be sad.

Now playing

Yes! Also, for anybody who likes this sort of thing and hasn't seen it, you must see "The Mrs. Bradley Mysteries," a cheeky BBC detective series set in the 1920s, starring Diana Rigg. All episodes are available streaming on Netflix and, possibly, YouTube. Here's the beginning of an episode (via YouTube):


*Proffers fist for bumpage*