
For $500 extra they will make it so you can play an MP3 in your car with appropriate sounds. (not a joke).

One time I was driving on the PA Turnpike and there was a guy in a work truck that was swerving all over the road. By the time I convinced myself that I should call, a cop was pulling him over.

Those people at the other end of 1-800-EAT-SHIT are not very friendly.

I’ll be shocked if he’s first ballot. Ray Guy is the best punter of all time and was first eligible for HOFin 1991. Took till 2014 for it to happen.

There are benefits for sure, and I’m not going to cry for Ferrari or any of these companies. Personally, I would make these low production car companies do what they want and charger the purchaser an extra tax that would go directly to projects to mitigate climate change.

Much better. Thanks.

I’m yelling at my screen. Look up. LOOK UP! Are you trying to make the most frustrating video in the history of time?

That’s the thing. It doesn’t disadvantage poor people to have to drive low emissions cars. This is purely about ecological harm.

Low volume car companies which are almost entirely exotics and performance should be exempt from emissions regulations because the low number of them driving around had no real impact on the environment.

Sometimes you introduce a bad thing that, as it turns out, is way less bad than the bad things are currently happening

There’s a problem here. The article is correct about human nature. It is a water is wet kind of thing like you said, but the odd thing is that Tesla provides some crash statistics for its cars and the cats with autopilot engaged crash less than those that don’t have it engaged. And Tesla cars have fewer accidents on

Seems too me they were waiting for the Taycan to come out and for Porsche to break about it’s performance before trotting out a new Model S that could beat it and try to take some of the boys out of Porsche’s coming out party.

semi-permeable. Not osmotic.

My guess is that it’s rocket-propelled and that it stops.....

This is the correct application.

Someone handed the head of Denag the design of the Lorelei, and this person looked at it and said, “Perfect, let’s do this!”  

Oh via Denag.

We needed a before/after for Worthlessburger.

Took my convertible on a 2000 mile road trip a few years ago in late May starting from Philadelphia down to Atlanta. I started off in early morning with the top down, a little chilly, and made it to about South Carlina before I had to pull over and put the top up before I suffered heat stroke.

Good effort, but crack conjures images of putting windows down slightly. I don’t think it quite works.