
Fun fact: There are only 2 games every season that depend on how the team finished the previous year.

I don’t know what the practical explanation is other than.. because manners.

Some upper crusty person decided this years ago and it stuck and now elbows are forbidden from the table.

What’s a “pipe job” in this instance? A choke or come from behind win. Urban Dictionary says a pipe job is a bj, so I’m not sure what the heck is going on.

I think the interest rate is key. Can you really compete with a new car/low interest rate? If you can’t then your audience is reduced to only those paying the total upfront without a loan.

I’m pretty sure that everyone who likes the look of this car has replied in the comments.

If the clear part of the wing isn't made of diamond they might as well just hang fuzzy dice from the rear view mirror and call it a day.

I think it’s fair to say they didn’t have a plan. That, to me, is obvious. Their ham-fisted attempt to just ignore or answer things in general ways proves it. They created mysteries with no real end game, and they tried to wrap it up by using the emotional mask of what amounted to a reunion show for a finale (I liked

or ON your date, consensually of course.

Nice brick.

Do you know where I can find some sailors?

I’m suddenly reminded of this...

This movie being mad won’t chip away at Ledger’s Joker it will reinforce it as being a perfection that cannot be replicated.

I always like it when restrooms at stores/restaurants have music playing providing nice ambient noise. I don’t need to hear some grunting Mongoloid spray the bowl. Also, I appreciate a courtesy flush to mask the sounds of expulsion.

In the video it looks like maybe he was trying to protect himself with that leather helmet that he seems to have attached to the end of his hand for just such a duck and cover moment.

If a sniper can make a kill from a mile away imagine a super stable drone hovering up there...waiting.

It’s important to have a roll cage...for safety.

Dear filthy rich man,

Now playing

The person who did that tattoo had obviously never seen a pair of dice.