
“99.99999999999999% of Corvettes aren’t driven like they are meant to be driven.”
Replace Corvettes with “nearly any legitimate sports car.” It’s the most tragically ironic thing that the people who would drive the shit out of a nice sports car can’t afford one.

Come on. It’s fun to pretend.

Tangential. I miss the old Ravens logo where the logo was just the face AND the whole body of the raven at the same time.

Not truly in the spirit of this convo, but the Eagles logo is one of the few left-facing logos because the main big feathers make the letter “E”

Can’t you just put one of these on the standard version?

I’d like to see any evidence of an OH SHIT moment the producers had or the community backlash big enough to cause the OH SHIT moment. Seems like it just exists to fill a narrative. The fact is the show doesn’t appear that different, and Ed said he left because of creative differences that showed less of the wrenching.

I’m spitballin’ here, but maybe, I dunno, steal a couple scooters for the getaway.

Go ahead, and preen about with your fancy demonstrations. Meanwhile this just wants some goddamn cold beer.

1) An employee takes an action that could cost the parent company a lot of revenue and is disciplined. Shocker!

2) At the same time, ESPN is a sports news network that wants to be known for hosts telling it like it is, so this pushes on the first point. It’s a litmus test that lets you know what they value most.

You do! Take your car to the paint shop and utter the words “Make it purple.”

They’ve done it before, but it was rare and thus more believable. Now virtually every show feels contrived.

I loved Ed, and was apprehensive (expecting to be nonplussed) by the new guy. I was surprised to find him to be very likable. Seems possible that Ed’s problem might have been money-related.

“clown-based homicide”

I’d say it is overpriced by definition because no one wants to buy them at that price. If people are going to spend $200,000 for a car (a comparative car, performance-wise) they are not buying Honda/Acura. They are buying a more prestigious brand.
The worth of something is not solely (or even mostly) linked to its

Not a sweet BMX with some pegs?

“Your understanding of stealth and radar is pretty awful. Like, really really awful.”

I like French’s Yellow and make no apologies and give zero fucks.

That there is a mid-engined supercar.

I only wash my jeans when they look dirty. Also, I don’t do any “sweating” activity in them.
If a hole wears into them I’ll keep wearing them until I get around to replacing them. Then they get a trash funeral.

I don’t see a problem. The escape pod worked perfectly.