
I always thought that the government either directly or by some rule dictated where the filler would go on each car model as to balance out the location for all cars on the road.

I was obviously wrong.

Now playing

Never been much a fan of the Super Hang-on GP music.

This would have been a better choice:

The Hurracan is Lamborghini’s Camry. The in-your-face designs are reserved for Aventador and their really low production cars.

There’s a fine line. Sometimes you just have to accept the flow of traffic and just stay there and trust that moving around isn’t really going to get you home in that much shorter a time. And generally you are going to be more relaxed if you’re not constantly looking for that opportunity to jump up 2 or 3 car lengths.


Few things are more satisfying than being stuck in moderate traffic and seeing some impatient d-bag trying to weave through traffic and I end up either passing them or end up right behind them.

But my revenge or as I’d like to call it Car Karma is the (common occurrence) of seeing some jackhole weaving in and out of

It doesn’t apply anymore. I don’t know anyone who knows or thinks this. It’s for the historical record and not much else.

Interesting, and also. I do not care.

I do not assume Klan every time someone replaces a c with a k.

ONly thing I didn’t like about MLF (if I can remember) was that the camera was too close and straight overhead. I could never get into it vs Madden.

Visible Velocity stacks == race car.

That is why people crave them. Any added performance benefits are a side effect of the coolness.

I need to know more about the mystical engine runes.

You got me on this one. Better selection hands down.


If they redo Star Wars I guess they should maybe use this guy as Han Solo. Tom Hanks as Sully as Han Solo.

Two to four for the first down wipe that goes directly into the bowl along with any excess shit. Then just one or two other wipes in varying directions as needed.

I drove forward out of a parking space and OVER the concrete parking block.

So, I’m driving home from high school on a 6 lane highway with stop lights. (Rt 130 in NJ). I’m driving all 8 cylinders of my gold (more of an orange/ brown) ‘77 Malibu.

I’m in the left lane. Not a care in the world. There are no cars in front of me, clear sailing. I’m doing about 50mph, give or take, and I’m focused

He should be on that Myth Busters Search show instead of these jackholes they have vying to be the least interesting people on TV.

Is the only reason this didn’t result in tears because he floored it in reverse rather than just putting it in gear and letting off the gas?

So, what was so silly about the rallycross car segment? They just took the old reasonably priced car segment and made a little rally course instead. To me it was something different and I actually watched a few of those. I usually FF past the celebrity interview and subsequent driving segment.

That’s why I love

Most people tend to replicate things they already like when building something especially if they don’t create often. Whether learning music or painting or designing levels in video games we tend to want to ape the things we love.