must have moar powerz!
must have moar powerz!
i questioned this last year myself, they hype it up like some incredible don't miss thing but most of the shows are fabricated pieces of meh.
omg, i have the instructions to build that hovercraft somewhere, they must be over 30 years old lol. I thought for sure I was going to be able to hover to school until i read the part about using a vacuum motor and and extension cord :( all my hopes and dreams dashed!
a tarp? carp? larp? lightning bolt! lightning bolt! lightning bolt!
i admit to being a pig but voluptious women don't harden my "heart"
scientist 1: Hey, where's our mini GPS unit?
yeah, he must work out
and looking at this photo he still can't turn left.
omg, if I could make love to a comment it would be this one <3
consider this you're last worning
They need to couple this with the Old Person About To Accelerate Through The Crowded Farmers Market Instead Of Braking sensor. *OPATATTCFMIOB availbe on select models only*
I for one am appalled, embarrased and ashamed....I never thought they'd find the stuff.
so much win, and Steve WAS delicious!
have come out in droves
I'm glad to see this working out for her, being financially destitute and all, this meager bit of sales should help bolster her bank account...
this also needs the force choke option for stupid drivers
in the older thread someone mentions that an Amazon rep told him only the primary Prime member has access to this, does that still hold true? anyone know?
i think they fingered the wrong guy, I'll bet one of the kids friends was the cast of this tragedy. and yes I sawed what I digit there.
"the second most massive object in the asteroid belt" that's what she said.
so I post a pic of my mother-in-law on facebook and you guys STEAL it and use it to make up an article on some make believe worm like monster...for shame Giz, for shame!