
because i don't want to spend my last 6 months with an STD, I have an entire planet to seduce with the help of my stuffed badger, i don't need to be applying a topical cream every other day.

list is incomplete without condoms, whiskey and a stuffed badger. nothing gets the ladies like carrying around a stuffed badger.

I just got this tweet from JC&thePostles...toga party 2morrow, my mansion, goin to the big E to nab some hotties. don't tell that buzzkill Judas.

agreed, he says he went through over 500+ drug tests during his career and passed every one of them. my guess is this "teammate" has a book deal in the works and is trying to create buzz for it. Lance does a shit ton of work for cancer, let him be and don't give Hamiltongue any more press.

i told my wife about this and said i was going to sign us up, she said if I did that she'd divorce me to which i replied that divorce will get her left behind when the rapture happens this saturday, her response was "what I did 2 years ago on our seperate vacations will get me left behind"

looks like mom and her can use another cheezeburger, cheezburgers make all bad things better.

Dave's not here man!

these are my twins Click and Here, also meet my daughter Stumbleupon

i usually go to the director's commentary and cast bios? you mean there's something else on those dvd's? someone needs to tell me these things!

no kidding! thanks for that :)

he only read them for the articles

i hope this doesn't start a plethora of "will it grind" comments

i don't often post but when i do it's quality...except for this one, this one sucks.

the man deserves an ice cream

in Soviet Russia, sand puts its head in you

@Settings: I havarti a good source that says it is but I guess they gouda lied to me but I'd probably still brielieve them.

when I worked for AT&T Wireless we had a 100,000 sq ft network/data hub in Dallas, I thought that place was huge.


i strangely want this for Android :/

Tom Cruise does not approve