
oh yea, as soon as I get my hands on one I'm gonna fuck me up a JetBlue smoke detector!

so i woke up this morning to catch the first was quite spectacular, at 5:06:01am a small distortion field appeared over my bed, at 5:06:07am a yellowish/brown creature poked it's head through and said "broccoli" and then the field winked out...I pee'd a little.

@rsiglesias: you sir deserve a towel, and not just any towel, but a plush terry cloth towel smelling faintly of bable fish.

@mrm: about 5 minutes after I posted this i tried again and voila! 2.2, now if someone can get chatroulette working I can set my nefarious plan into action.

orange county california, no update found :(

I've read this 5 times and I still don't get this Egon-Cartman-Kibbles'n'Bits-Scatman Crothers theory, I need to go home.

great idea, horrible turkey neck

Mom! Dad! glad you could make it for Thanksgiving, just have a seat next to the lighted penis...can I get you a drink?

Maybe it's because I watched this on my EVO, but didn't it sound like a diesel when he started the car? Other than that I thought it was pretty good :)

@CJ Disaffected: agreed, now if only I could figure out how to edit my damn comments

[[sarcasm]from a company that touts everything they make as revolutionary, magical, game-changing comes the statement "it's just a phone". color me shocked [/sarcasm]

a bygone era when men were men and women had curves

fuck there goes the neighbourhood, i bet they make a premium woot and charge for it.

@Twanzio: 12:30, drop zone is ready..the rabbit poops at dawn

iTramp - test your companies suicide prevention techniques in this fun and informative app. High scores posted daily!

updated with no issues, screens are fine, Wi-Fi turns on and off, i'll have to keep an eye on the battery life but after doing the GSM to CDMA prl switch my battery life has been decent already.

@blehbleh13: The Neverending Story, which comes as a bit ironic with regards to the iPhone launch