Hasn't this been known for a while?
Hasn't this been known for a while?
To me, trends in obesity are kind of like looking at abortion rates - they don't tell the whole story. Say more women are getting abortions. Is that because there are more unplanned pregnancies, or because by de-stigmatizing abortion more women are willing to consider it, or because more women who are getting pregnant…
My heart breaks for this woman. She doesn't know the difference between your and you're. So sad.
Not to sound like a grammar elitist, but it's not too hard to figure out how this girl got duped.
That's how I am. I have some friends who say that the "boot camp" mentality is motivating, but I wonder about it ... Even if it is motivating, you still have to internalize that message that you have to be at the top of your game or worth nothing at all, or that having excess fat is something that needs (as in, you're…
Nah, I think she's of the Megan 'I'd strangle a mountain ox to be with Olivia Wilde' Fox variety; the type of person who makes out and/or talks about women for the sole purpose of being 'edgy'.
You know, I'm sort of bored in my current career and every once in awhile toy with the idea of getting certified as a personal trainer and starting a body-positive training studio. So often it seems like the fitness community tries to use self-loathing as motivation for a person to lose weight, while I've always…
Ah, but it might make them understand that getting some exercise isn't just alwaysas simple as they think. All it takes is for one relatively minor injury to your foot, or your knee or even your shoulder, and you're screwed :(
But what would be the point? I thought being fat had no negative health consequences according to the deranged Jezebel fatstremists.
I'm going to start rating things on the Pringles scale.
I was so disappointed in Gone Girl. Heard from so many people how well crafted its plot and characters were, and didn't find either compelling. It felt like a slightly longer version of an SVU plotline.
I can't say that I'm a fan of the vagueness of the proposed language. I think most of the people I know have engaged in at least a few acts that could be characterized as "controlling behavior." Could a woman who nags her husband to help out more around the house be prosecuted under this act? She's attacking his…
"not in my life but still in my thoughts" is EXACTLY facebook. that should be on the commercial
I think playing with grammar by imitating non-native speakers does not necessarily equate to making fun of those speakers, professors' opinions aside. There's a great deal of fun in just messing around with language - maybe it's a phrase that sticks in one's head, like "all your base," or maybe a certain peculiarity…
from Aisa
So maybe that makes it sort of like "All your base are belong to us," which was also a meme about Asian English. Several people have asked whether that makes doge more racist than LOLcat — but isn't LOLcat also a way of making fun of people who mangle English grammar?
And there's one other difference between LOLcat and Doge.
Does it sound to anyone else exactly like the way English is mangled in Asia? I mean things like "so excite" and "very agreement" and "such computer" have been appearing on T-shirts and journals and other knick knacks you can get over there since I visited Thailand 10 years ago, to the present. Syntactically it's the…
True; I suppose it's less a caricature of the way anyone speaks, more of how some sort of pidgin advertisement might appear. (Photo of steak -> "Amazing. So fresh! Much enjoy.") Am I racist for making this assumption? I mean, what's the actual origin here?
I've always wondered if people save their more intense rage for "the other person", because it is easier to think really horrible thoughts about them. As opposed to having all those hateful thoughts about the person you love/care about. You have no emotional attachment to the other person and can therefore hope they…