
You know, I am pretty much on board with all of this. When I say he's not responsible for her death, I don't mean to deny that he's shown very little class or sense in his behaviour since.

That is a fair point.

Thank you for mentioning the Vice story; I'll read it tomorrow. As I say, I'm going by what he says, which is admittedly a flawed source, but until now it's the only one I knew of.

Those people are the worst. One of my cousins even sniffed out I had her on limited, because another cousin (whom I like) was telling my aunt something I'd posted and shared only with friends, not acquaintances. I escaped by saying I'm so clueless with FB it must have been an accidental omission :P

I"m saying that the piece he wrote about the suicide after the fact differs in many ways from the piece he planned to write about investment fraud before she died. There is no reason to ascribe horrible motives to him without proof. Given that people are outraged at the idea that he harmed her by revealing a truth

If you want to wear a bikini top, then rock it and enjoy!

I was wondering that myself! We love you Burt!

Can you block her?

I got the go ahead to do light cardio as soon as I felt like it, with the proviso to be careful because birth can strain your hip joints. My midwife said you can have sex as soon as you want, too, as long as you're done bleeding, any stitches have healed, and there was no damage to the cervix. She also told me that

I was just going to say this. Also, depending on where you live and how much you want to spend, this might be an item that is worth traveling to the US for. When I lived an hour from the border, I would sometimes use free shipping w/i the US and get it shipped to a receiver there (lots of small businesses near the is an aggregator/curator that consistently has very interesting stuff. It's much more long form essays and reviews, with very little current news; it's updated only once a day, for instance. But they have a lot of good things that I don't come across otherwise, so I like it.

Oh fuck, I laughed at this and now hate myself for laughing.

I'm cynical, perhaps, because to me the spin is clearly because "fraud who lied about education, background commits suicide when a journalist discovers the lies" doesn't get nearly as many clicks.

Since when do we blame other people for a suicide? The consensus here in the past (with which I agree, btw) is that suicide is the act of a desperate mentally ill person, and whatever the proximate cause (caught in a lie, boyfriend left, got fired) the actual cause is the mental illness. You can't have suicide be the

Pretty much. If you have a secret that you really need to stay secret, perhaps don't pretend to be a Vanderbilt who studied at MIT and socializes with Dan Quayle and helped design the B-2 bomber. If Dr. V had said "this is an awesome putter I designed, I can show you how it works, and I'm a mechanic," none of this

I agree with everything you say. The problem is that there is no evidence that he planned to out her previous name/identity, only that he planned to out her lies about credentials and claimed social connections. He could certainly have written a piece that disclosed all her lies, even disclosing that she had a

I actually did not know that. Fair enough, I have a world of respect for people working in a non-native language.

Thanks very much for clarifying this.

1. When you commit fraud to get people to invest in your business, you have to expect that if/when the fraud is exposed, people are going to look at your past more closely.

I don't think it became fair game in the sense that a journalist should just write about anything at all, but it become relevant to the investigation, in that it helped the journalist verify that the credentials were entirely fabricated. If he had published her credentials with no fact-checking, that would be poor