
I cannot believe people aren’t understanding this simple argument. Most people seem to grasp that underrepresentation is a problem, and that many major issues in the industry can be traced directly back to it. But then businesses still do the bad thing, and others want to cover for them and act like it’s out of the

Pretty much most of Kotaku amazing commenters that actually put care into what they were commenting on are gone... Kotaku commenters have become this sort of neckbeard standard that is upset with the website but literally can’t keep themselves from reading it or engaging with it.

Lot of definitely not sexist dudes in these comments talking about how none of their friends are women. Interesting!

According to your article i guess that makes us sexist.

The name choice is really unfortunate! Coupled with “our only female ‘employee’ is a literal bitch” It comes off like they’re leaning into it or doubling down. 

Everything about this sounds suspect, at best.

So Kaleiki was at Blizzard until November 2020, on the WoW team. Which was absolutely being investigated by California at that point. And the article above misses the first sentence in his response about the harrassment at Blizzard:

Why on every Kotaku thread about literally any game there is someone explaining how they don’t like the game in question. I don’t want to be rude but nobody cares.

The only bonus to flagging for PvP is a 5% bonus to experience. There’s no “HUGE” nerfs for running without PvP flagged.

It’s not just cutscenes and gameplay in Naughty Dog games — it’s that all of their systems create friction with each other and fail to produce a cohesive experience. For instance, they pepper their worlds with collectibles, which require the player to rummage around the scenery no matter the narrative context of the

Where would we have a recent example of a quasi-normal person rendered grotesque by decadence and amorality, though?

Yes, it absolutely boggles my mind that someone who actually is Chinese and knows the culture and history and politics might want to better explain to a bunch of woke white knowitalls from the West what is actually going on. What an insane concept, right?

why would tankies shill for a State Capitalism country?

These restrictions only apply to minors, and can be bypassed with parental authority. Minors already have extensive restrictions to personal choice in the western world, so if this is an infringement of personal choice for you, do you also believe minors should have the uninfringed personal choice to drink alcohol,

Fucking just... What? 

If there’s an NDA and you agree to it, you should probably comply with the terms. If you don’t and it results in you being banned from using their product (if outlined in the terms), then that’s on you. What’s the big deal here?

What’s more limited that we’re finding out? That it doesn’t have a secret power boost it never claimed to have? That in the very first interview they clarify the battery life pretty clearly: 2-8 hours, depending. 4 hours on Portal 2, 5-6 with a 30fps cap? You can only play Breath of the Wild for like 3 hours on a

As if Ariana Grande needs to pay Kotaku for media coverage

how much do you get paid to whine in comments?

Despite the grumpy commenters, and not having strong feelings one way or another about Ariana Grande, this is conceptually one of the coolest things I’ve seen in video games in recent years, and I would have been absolutely thrilled by it back in high school. The merging of a live music event and gaming into an

Lol, I think I made the greys mad. Die angry you shitbags.