I love when stuff like this is highlighted, because opening the creator menu in Dreams is to be assaulted with 90% janky "Sonic test level" creations
I love when stuff like this is highlighted, because opening the creator menu in Dreams is to be assaulted with 90% janky "Sonic test level" creations
Something I wish people would get straight: “fired” and “laid off” are not synonymous. You want to learn real quick what the distinctions are, try filing for unemployment in both cases.
l think we live in two different United States of America. This country has been founded and built on genocide. Just last year the police was proven to track protesters at BLM protests. America has had sanctions against Cuba for decades, which overrides their right to trade in their own waters. I’m a black person who…
He’s not wrong biologically speaking, which is why 2nd cousins can legally marry in all 50 states. At that level, problematic recessive traits getting excessively reinforced typically only become a problem over several generations in a small population (a very small town, or perhaps early-modern European royalty)…
They weren’t able to access their usual website for some reason.
Holy shit this story brought out the fascists and racists real quick. Been awhile since I’ve seen this many people say the quiet parts out loud.
It’s hilarious how many forums and message boards suddenly have an influx of butt-hurt “concerned” internet citizens that are just worried about FREEDOM OF SPEECH and not totally a bunch of Kiwifarms refugees that are making one more tour of the sites they hate most before they just start posting full time on what…
Shh... Its not wrong when they do it.
Some real crazy on display in the comments on this one. Yikes.
Anyone who believes memes about Russia being free is a complete moron.
Look at all the fragile hate mongers crying in the comments, delicious. Their tears are the butter on my popcorn.
Glad to see decency show its face for once, may Kiwi stay buried and its founder relegated to perpetual irrelevancy.
So conservative stands for hateful bigots who want to bomb people?
How in the fuck did you get out the greys?
“If you could read minds, you wouldn't game at all" wow so insightful
So your comment amounts to this: we should either individually criticize every single one of the thousands and thousands and thousands of developers, or just not criticize at all
The writing has been on the wall for this change for a decade. Auto manufacturers purposefully drug their feet on the transition, spending tens of millions on kickbacks and political corruption, to try to delay it so they could juice some extra short term profit. They aren’t going to transition without a mandate, and…
I don’t like Bastion because when I was in university during a talent show some young guy took it onto himself to do a reading of the narration from the game (which no one there, particularly the professors, had played or was aware of) in abad southern drawl while his friend did interpretive dance and music played…