
Different behaviour appeals to different audiences. Maybe this has to do with residency. From my (limited) experience, most US-born people I met and interacted with had a high level of perceived friendliness (the english language being a bit less formal than my native one also helps), but they are not “really”

Modders don’t lose “all agency over their works”. All this change does is preserve archive copies of older versions so collections designed to work with specific versions can download those specific versions without the mod author pulling them. The only ‘agency’ lost is the ability to hard delete old versions and even

Yes, this is how basically every package management system that wants to not break all the time must work. It’s also why you can’t delete stuff, only archive, in most systems that support cross referencing between objects.

The one truth I’ve realized from following the Skyrim modding scene, is that creators get very weird and touchy about their work. I would love for their mercurial bullshit get reigned in a little, so that they can’t just delete something because they got flamed on the forum.

“I just don’t want people to be able to be able to use my work however they want without me having a say in how it’s used”

Sounds good to me. They are giving people a chance to pull their files, the people that own them can put them somewhere else.

The ability to just download sets of mods that work together sounds nice, no more watching youtube videos or searching forum posts to find out exactly what works together and exactly what mods

From what I can tell the people raising a stink about this are mostly people with tiny mods that are barely ever downloaded in the first place, so.... not much lost?

Plus the terms of service for the site already say they basically have rights to do what they want with mods uploaded to their site.

They could always

You joking? Kids do that all the time and stay with friends. I’ve done it. Rebellious teenage years, better or worse.. My high school girlfriend and I would drive into the woods and sleep there since we couldn’t do that in our houses, and we’d basically rough it for 4 days or something. 17 is the perfect age for that.

My situation right now is wanting that feeling that games like Tales of Symphonia, Rogue Galaxy, and Radiata Stories gave me 15 years ago. I fell out of the JRPG scene hard back then (other than a toe dipping into Xenoblade) and have missed it ever since. My perspective may be skewed a bit, but it seems like good

You know, people could just save themselves the trouble of having to rent a car and just drive to Hawaii in their own.

I’m sorry, but saying that the a person THINKS that the end of the game is actually the beginning of the chronology is supposed to be a spoiler? It doesn’t say what the end is, only that the end might be the beginning. In a time loop game. Jeez.

a fictional prison for those who share even vaguely sexual content on social media

I too like it when tall people pick me up so we can speak at eye level.

“Have a think about it, right? If we improve this and that, what’s next? People wanting to move here? You know who consider themselves people? Terrorists. You see what this sort of wanton spending begets?”

This seems like some sort of Yoko Taro game now, kill everything then kill yourself.

When I play something like Skyrim, I always feel compelled to play... I dunno... altruistically? Maybe that’s too strong a word, but even with sorta-immortal NPCs or games that have very little punishments for severe crimes, I’ve never been tempted to kill innocent NPCs. If there’s a dragon threatening a town, I want

And pickled. 

One of the things I find scariest about untrammeled mental illness is how it can attract other vulnerable people into its orbit, seemingly with little effort. Murikami’s book, Underground, about the sarin attack in the Tokyo subway by the cult Aum Shinrikyo, really makes clear how very little it takes for a certain

You all missed the craziest part of this whole story - she’d drink several glasses/several bottles of straight vodka a night for “medicinal purposes.” Like, she clearly died related to the COPIOUS amount of straight vodka she’d drink. It started out as like 10 shots of vodka a night, but eventually she was just

I don’t know about that: