Whoa! Now I know why nobody wanted to be in Japanese POW camps.
Whoa! Now I know why nobody wanted to be in Japanese POW camps.
I have a feeling he knew his parents would react badly, so he filmed secretly in case they tried to do something violent. :S
I'm 6'2" with 34" legs. It sucks. So much. Overseas flights are so painful for me, they border on a human rights abuse.
That being said, fuck unruly passengers. People nowadays are so entitled not even the skies are safe from bullshit.
Worse is forum.bodybuilding.com
I think it has the worst community in all of the intertubes. Seriously. The worst internet trends have emerged from that hive of scum and villainy.
I rarely meet people who are EITHER Star Wars fans or Star Trek fans. Usually they're fans of both, sure they may have a favourite, but the debate doesn't descend into vitriol because they've tasted the fruits of both universes.
It's happening all across the media spectrum. Many media outlets are removing the ability to comment, or taking away the anonymity of internet commenting. On top of that, comments are policed and often held for review before anyone can see them.
Basically, we're turning into China, by choice, because of militant…
Yep. That's the real terror going on globally now, the rise of extremism in all walks of life. The only way to get away from the extremism is to find a group of like-minded friends who share all your opinions... which is part of what's fueling the problem! No one talks, or debates because they're convinced their (and…
It starts out childish, but I found it got rather emotional near the end. Definitely a fun game.
Ugh yeah. I gave up on the game too because of the difficulty. I mean, DQVIII and Rogue Galaxy are about equal in terms of grindiness (that's saying something), but Rogue Galaxy had an uncompromising combat system that sucked the joy out of the game for me.
While it IS a sequel, it has no sequel ;)
I liked how you can hold court and make important decisions regarding a whole kingdom in Summoner 2. Simulation games and rpgs definitely don't overlap enough.
I'm a dude and I bought a pair of pants from Walmart for 10 dollars. They made my ass look similar. People I don't know would tell me my pants are ugly, while people I knew, said my pants were ugly and made my butt look flat.
Walmart is the root of all ass evil.
My penis-judging quota has been met for today. Thank you.
I filled with wanton wonton wanting.
I worked in a well-known convenience store chain. My boss was very Persian, and while he seemed tolerant and liberal, once in awhile he'd make very disturbing comments.
Like, in the summer some Japanese girls came in asking for directions. They struggled talking to us in English and just as I was about to help them,…
Shit. I worked at 7/11 and got robbed multiple times while working by myself. The kicker is, it was actually against store policy (and outright illegal to boot) for me to working alone in the first place.
My boss thought he was being nice when he told me that when I'm working by myself I was allowed to lock the doors…
The fuck? She gave you time-off? Like, without pay? Instead of a proper maternity leave?
I keep forgetting how ass-backwards the US is when it comes to parental leave.
I've worked in a few grocery stores and most of the office shifts are covered by high school girls. I think it's because high school girls are more trustworthy than high school guys?
I'm so doing this for my boyfriend's birthday so I can freak him out.