
Yeah but did you install them? I download mods all the time, doesn't mean they're installed and ready to be played.

They're playing a modded version of Skyrim, which they modified themselves.

Instead of saying, "Hey, check out my version of Skyrim, it's modded" you want them to say, "Hey, check out my version of skyrim, I downloaded 300 mods which I downloaded from various websites and spent 4 days trying to get them to work

That's like, 80% ice, what a rip-off. :S

Oh Asia, why do you insist that bread and ice cream are a viable dessert?

OH GOD. He probably had "Death Grip" too. That's when a guy grips his penis too tightly during masturbation. Over time, it eventually starts killing nerves and makes the whole thing numb.

Does he still have a penis, or has it fallen off yet? :S

Hey, you could try putting semen in your hair. I mean, it's chock full of vitamins, nutrients and protein, and Cameron Diaz had a good experience with it. Celebrities always know what's best.

Exactly! Women hating heavy women because they dare to wear a thin character's costume. Is that what feminism means on Jezebel?

North Americans don't even know what we're missing until we get off our continent and see that the rest of the world has cleaner asses than we ever will. :(

Isn't that cold though? :S

In Vietnam, the restrooms not only had bidets, they also had a lack of toilet paper. After the duty was done, I have never felt more unsecure, hygienically speaking.

TRUE. Plus, we poop all wrong in North America. I lived in China for a bit and had to use squat toilets. At first I was like, "Eww, this is different and wrong" but eventually I got used to them... And now I even prefer them.

The squatting position puts your body in just the right shape that the poop just comes out

If you think about it though, you're just smearing around the poop with dry toilet paper, which is way grosser than blasting the poop away with a stream of water.

I do that to my butthole with regular toilet paper. IBS sucks. :(

Or get a bidet! Those magic Japanese bidets that squirt forceful streams of body temperature water at your butthole are absolutely divine, plus they clean your hole well enough that wiping is just a cursory thing that's more for drying off your butthole than anything else.

Plus they feel sooooo good. Seriously, I think

Or you can try and teach them to use "cum rags" so they aren't slobs that cum on everything without a second thought.

This is the sort of thing that parents rarely talk to their children about because it's awkward as hell I guess.

I'm a penis-haver, and when I was a kid, my parents had carpet. I can say with authority that if you cum on a carpet and rub it in... the carpet won't become crusty or obviously stained unless you're doing this all the time.

Hey, when I was 14 and I watched my first porn movie I masturbated 15 times in less than 2 hours. I managed to stop touching myself when the orgasms started hurting and my ejaculate had blood in it. The male sex drive is a beastly, terrible thing.

Was he circumcised? Circumcised penises and rough surfaces don't go together so well... He could've just used saran wrap or something >_<

MY SHAME. I used to do the exact same fucking thing. No cats died because of my filthy habits, and I had hardwood floors so there were no stains, just backbreaking labour trying to scrape off the years of accumulated -stuff-.

Now I use socks, because I'm too eco-friendly for tissues.