It still has to be better than the main character turning into a magical USB stick.
It still has to be better than the main character turning into a magical USB stick.
If you wear sunscreen you can prevent skin damage as well allow your skin to produce vitamin D.
You can get adequate sun exposure after 10 minutes in the summertime as vitamin D deficiencies are more likely in the winter when the sun is too weak to promote vitamin D synthesis.
I dunno, I rather liked Inception.
You should check out the Morrowind Graphics Extender. Let's you play Morrowind with no draw distance, so if you climb high enough you can see the whole island of Vvardenfell.
Uh, the minimum wage in China is about $50 a week. The manufacturing regions generally have even higher wages.
What does ethics have to do with the skin colour of your child?
The woman was unhappy with the limited choices of white donors and tried to look at others but was denied. She then talked to her friend about what happened and found out that her friend chose the same white donor that she would have.
And why should two…
Where did it say anything in the article about the skin colour of the donor? The article didn't. You're again making assumptions that the woman must be fetishizing blackness and that the non-white sperm she wanted must have belonged to a Black man.
How does being mixed-race "confuse" a child? This strikes me as vaguely racist. As if the child is somehow wrong and at fault for causing "confusion" when it's really society's problem of not accepting mixed-race babies.
Why does it matter if a child has to learn that they were artificially conceived? Adopted kids go…
Wat. The article said nothing about the couple wanting a mixed-race baby because they're cuter. That's your OWN bias creeping in there.
And race is NOT a real thing. There are different ethnic groups, but race as a concept is dead as a door nail.
Sperm banks don't take anyone. Once you fap into the cup and send you on your way, they screen your sperm and if you don't meet certain criteria they chuck it. As mentioned in the story, the Bank didn't really have much variety and the white donor the woman chose was the same one her friend chose.
You assume because the couple is white, and because they didn't choose a white sperm donor, that they MUST be bad parents because no normal white couple would choose to have a mixed-race baby. How does it feel to be racist?
Thank you for summarizing my feelings. I've got to add that I'm mixed-race First Nations and a lot of the opinions expressed so far trouble me and seem like attacks on my mixed identity.
Being mixed doesn't "cheapen" your heritage. Being mixed isn't cultural appropriation.
There's nothing cultural about skin colour...
So? That answered none of the question's Lala asked.
"Is anything white people say about black hair tantamount to racism?" is a pretty fair question.
So I'll reframe the question like this: Women regardless of race use chemicals in their hair, so if, say, an Asian women who religiously straightens her hair tells a…
No. The border is actually an interplanar line that divides Canada and America into two different realities. It's also why cream soda is pink in Canada.
The modern equivalent is actually the Amish.
I'd agree more with wearing a headdress if it was part of an actual costume, one that attempted to be authentic but no. Instead we get people taking the one thing they find "cool" from another culture, putting it on their heads and somehow not understanding that they just appropriated someone's culture for their own…
Metis means mixed in french and also refers to people of mixed aboriginal and white backgrounds. Metis (with a capital) and metis refer to different groups of people, which is kinda confusing, especially because Metis is a legal designation that only applies to people who have genealogical proof they're "Metis".
Yes, but Canada is not America (that's what we call the USA in case you didn't know). We have our own terminology thank you very much.
First Nations ONLY applies to natives who aren't Metis or Inuit. Aboriginal is actually the more inclusive term.