
The flat, but well painted version in the animation wins over the Playdoh-effect teeth in the image.

Everyone assumes the guy in the hat is falling. What if he started in a push-up position and is flipping over? I'm sure some breakdance moves, when caught at certain times, would look similar. I'd say that one is staged, not shopped.

You won't leave work early unintentionally. It flips at 00 / 15 / 30 /45

Shame PVD is prohibitively expensive. I'll bet some third party will offer it soon though.


Who else read the dialogue in Patrick and William's voices, especially Sir Pat saying "impertinent, presumptuous.."

And you can do that. Just set a schedule and it will stick to it. But if I adjust the temperature at a similar time every night several days in a row, it will adjust the schedule accordingly, though learning can be turned off...

If not the exact same compound, this is very close to what semi-aquatic plants from Petco are sold in.

Interesting you use the storm trooper as the lead image, which was created by a bunch of guys Gizmodo stated "deserved a place in nerd heaven"..

So, as its the current lead story on the site, what you have there is a snuff movie for all to see, of a guy plummeting to his death, whether you want tot see it or not?

That would make awesome hamster cage bedding for posh hamsters...

I only use a case when I'm snowboarding, because it's a battery booster and toughened. I like to track my runs on GPS apps which burn battery and I do occasionally wipeout and would hope a case might be the difference between smashed and unscathed.,

Crossing all four legs would be nothing amazing.

Well I hear it will take it in the port any way you want to insert it...

Oh, and if they are eschewing gears and a rear brake for simplicity and weight saving, they should also ditch the chain and sprocket drive. Belt drive is the way to go, especially to avoid grease stains when carrying.

MTB scale is too big. I love my Puma Disko because it's BMX cruiser sized. (24" wheels). But, it's heavy and the fold is kinda akward. If they simply scaled this design to a super light 24" size, I'd be sold.

I'm in the berg. It was down when I got home last night. I just switched my iPad to LTE only. I could have busted out a Verizon 4G MiFi for my laptop if I'd needed but it was late so I didn't bother. It's back now. No burned out cars in our parking lot...

Abby Normal?