
5 might work. More than that and there's too much black bar and too little gap, resulting in too little animation space.

They're quite easy to make. It's a three frame repeat animation. The transparency is just black bars that are three times the thickness of the gaps between them. You can use the bar image as a filter layer for three animation frames. Just draw each frame normally, then use the bars to filter 1/3 of the first image,

You are a rare breed my brain slug making friend. :)

Do you remember when I posted the scan of my first baby?

So can someone just pull the battery to screw with you? And does that mean the paranoid users would end up carrying the backup "jump slot" key?

My B&W DM6 speakers. (Late 70's I believe).


Question - For non-iPhone, fully silent runners (no vibrate), do you make use of the status indicator LED to show, (flash / change color), when you receive a communication? Do many non-iPhone smartphones still have those LED's?

Followed by their mother calling to ask why she wasn't invited and cursing the day they were born...

I run silent with vibrate. On my iPhone I leave the ringer volume at the level of my alarm clock because Apple annoyingly don't separate ringer and alarm volume, and I don't need / want a separate alarm clock app. But it's also because iPhone has so few options for notification sounds that too many people have the

Puma made a glowing version of the disko many, many years ago.

Trippy effect when you scroll the screen up and down on an iPad 3. The circles in the lead image go all goofy...

On the NYC subway - "Bags and containers are subject to random search by the police department".

I don't know, but I recall a commenter on a race saying something like " look at the fin in her cap", except there wasn't an obvious moulded fin, but rather what appeared to be creatively sculpted hair under the stretched cap.

I just don't want to look round and suddenly see DEATH standing over me, and my body someplace (or places) else.

Man, I remember when 640x480 seemed crystal clear compared to DOS games running 320x200...

You sir, win a round of applause from me while I lounge on my sofa. Commenter 0f the day..

I second that motion.

But will it play Crysis 3?

I'm selling my unused Kaws bulbs (x3) if anyone wants one. PM if interested...