
I've only been tested for one job and it was a terrible experience. The people at the testing place treated me like I was already guilty even though it was the policy to drug test all new hires and it wasn't like they suspected me personally of being on drugs.

Ma'am you seem to have a mouse problem. I know just the guy, though.

A Song of Barking

personally, I think it's very clear what hodor's condition is. given that he can only say hodor over and over, and he's kind of simple so he only has about say... four actions he can remember at any given time, it's very clear hodor is an as yet undocumented pokemon.

Walking Dead. I haven't seen the most recent season or half season or whatever it is, but yeah...I more or less hate-watched everything from the opening sequence of the second episode to the death of Andrea.

Nintendo winning shocks me. Not that I'm not excited about what's to come, because I'm buying a Wii-U the moment Smash is released. But that brings me to my point.....did Nintendo really win? Or did they just stop sucking? Past few E3s have been garbage for Nintendo. Now they play it right and announce things everyone

Then there's people who didn't really have a father like myself:…

Sometimes I feel like going out and trying to find him but I'm honestly scared. I haven't seen him since my 1st birthday after all.

anyone else think that's Ezio?

See, Grandpa, my generation is good at something!

this thread is hilarious

Come on man, he spells it out for you. It's D-O-Double G.

Hence I looked into the eyes of a goat

Welcome to the internet, where the comments come first and the articles don't matter.

I *also* liked X3—and, like I've always said, at least it DID something with the setting and the characters, for a change—much of the (first) Star Trek reboot, was a bit nonplussed about Iron Man 3, but acknowledge that it's really a very different "feel" of a film than the first two, and perhaps unfair to compare

Hey, to my mind, it just means you're smart enough to get all the enjoyment you can from things. That's a rare skill on the internet.

Sure wanted these when I was a kid—and now actually.

Ferris Bueller and adult Simba would like to have a few words with you.

I like you. I have fond memories of X3, though they mostly involve making out.

I guess I'm weird (no shock there), because this doesn't make any sense to me at all. In general, I don't have the mental energy to sustain a grudge even when I want to. I let it go because it's too much of a distraction. There are only a handful of very serious abuses and betrayals that I struggled for years to