Crestfallen Commenter

If you've only just started (on A Game Of Thrones) keep reading - it gets much, much better.

I hate being Hindu sometimes.

Long overdue. :P

'FoxyAlakazam' will fit (w/o spaces).

If I'd only invested $27,000... :(

Nay. The sparkles shall be mine and mine only. Though I may be breeding said Goodra once I get a foreign Ditto off GTS.

It's fucking annoying how I got 31 IVs in the very stats I didn't want. Goodra also has Gooey so yeah, stroke of luck there for me. xD

Route 8. Old Rod. Luvdisc. Problem solved.

I've got a shiny Goodra with 31 SpDef IV, and a Jolly shiny Fraxure, both found within 25 minutes of each other at the Friend Safari. Trouble is that Goodra has a shit nature (also Jolly) and Fraxure has a 0 Speed IV and a maximum of 5 Attack IV. (31s are in Def and SpDef for both of them) :P

I know, i just couldn't resist.

Cleanse Tag would decrease, not completely stop, encounter rate. So there's still a chance of the chain breaking.

'vampires aren't supposed to be shiny'

Try Friend Safari and tipping. Both are said to increase shiny rate. It worked for me - I found a hidden ability shiny Sliggoo with a 31 SpD IV, and a shiny Jolly Fraxure, both within 1 hour of each other.

Crestfallen Commenter, a la Dark Souls' Crestfallen Warrior. Also useful for depressing stories on Gawker etc.


The fact that Goomy's final evolution is apparently this gen's pseudolegendary makes it even funnier.

Really? I came. (aren't i funny)