
Split deserves to be a hit. It is M. Night Shynalan first good movie since Unbreakable. (Haven’t seen The Visit). Which confirms my theory that Shyamalan makes good movies only when he casts Bruce Willis. So the next need to have Bruce Willis in it too.

Good. Start reading, people, and don’t stop. Read Orwell, read about the Nazis, read about the FBI, read about the Panthers, read about the anti-war movement, read about McCarthy, read about the people who stood up against him, read about women who died from back-alley abortions.

“Thanks for noticing me” - Harrison

He’s the hacker we deserve, but not the one we need right now.

I can’t recommend The Descent enough. It’s one of the best modern horror films out there. My only complaint is that they toned down the desolate ending for the American release, but you can find the original British one on Youtube.

That’s an incredibly powerful poster.

You know what I love about the new trailer? DEPTH OF FIELD!! It seems like every science fiction filmmaker has wanted to show off all the lovely detail work they put into the settings and scenery: Everything in focus almost all of the time. I think it probably made it easier on the special effects guys, that their

One thing worth mention that needs be done here: the score.

We start off with a soft version of the Imperial march that goes through most of it, that transitions into the Rebellion theme about 3/4th of the way through the trailer. It’s an effective use of the score Williams has done for the films, and a great aural