Also, obligatory Florida gif. Sorry Floridian gamers, I can't help myself
Also, obligatory Florida gif. Sorry Floridian gamers, I can't help myself
Damn. This fantastic piece measures 10 x 5 feet, uses over 200,000 Lego bricks, and was created by David Frank and…
From Ni no Kuni to Pokémon, we're talking all things JRPG on today's Very Special Edition of Random Encounters slash…
Move over, Christmas. Step aside, Hanukkah. There's a new holiday to celebrate this December: Nintendo's National…
I like Windows 8, but only because its desktop mode is basically Windows 7 with faster boot times. The thought of…
Come wander the dark, flickering hallways of Upsilon, the first environment video from Soma, the sci-fi horror game…
No bowl. Stick!
There are plenty of legitimate reasons to feel that being a PC gamer is more advantageous to your hobby. There are…
Still upset about that massive Fallout 4 hoax? Here's some good news for you: The next entry in Bethesda's…
Nothing could terrify the dragon whose scales were made of titanium, and whose mouth dripped with toxic smoke. Well,…
Digital artist RoboChandler has done an incredible thing. He's transformed the serious, well-seasoned Metal Gear…
Every year it's something. Some colorful construction of cloth or fluff or plastic or silicon, the big holiday toy…
Hey Squall, did you hear? Your game's on Steam now.
Crucifixion remains a familiar idea, even though it's a punishment from the distant past. It's so familiar that we…
You spend enough time online, you notice some patterns—characters of sorts, specific sorts of people that…
One of the greatest mysteries of the Pokémon universe has to do with Pokeballs, the devices used to capture and…
Digital artist Zachary Knoles really touched the spot when he redesigned video games and its characters as aged,…
Tessa pulled her coat close around her neck as she stared up at the monument to the Battle for Phobos, the turning…
Two new gaming consoles. Both very powerful. Both very ambitious. Both about to meet head to head... and do battle…
This is exactly how I'd imagine the first trailer for J. J. Abrams' Star Wars flick to look like. Except with more…