
Bravely Default: Death By Waking - Conflict of the Cougars: Final Fantasy Tactics A3 Act 1

Bravely Default Paying The SqueEnix Tax

Bravely Default: Fight the Deficit - Gaiden: Rising

The question remains; will I be able to buy a season pass?

Games enthusiasts and creators (particularly those working on the fringes of the industry) are often portrayed jokingly in other media, such as TV shows. Most recently NBC’s Grimm as did SyFy’s Warehouse 13 did eye rolling episodes of their shows in which video games were the central plot thread. In both cases

If Charlie included it her article I must've skimmed past it, but “I’ll be right back.” Isn't it a typical horror/slasher movie victim trope?

Is the XL worth the added cost?

This is an exciting revelation largely because Akihiko Yoshida is one of my favorite character artists working in any medium today. Of course, it helps that the game is supposed to be pretty good. Jeremy Parish (formerly of the now defunct 1UP) wrote in his piece “A Final Fantasy by Any Other Name Plays Just as Sweet….

Looks like I'll be getting 3DS for xmas this year. No way I'm standing in line for black Friday deals, though. The standard price is now plenty sensible for an xmas gift so I may just go through Amaz... oh... right. :O/

'bout dern time! I losht sheveral teeth waitin for thish thing to finally c'mout! Now we can all play it leagally! Hopefully for a reasonable price.

Children of Men is easily one of my favorite pictures of mid-aughts. It was an emotionally searing film that defied its audience not to at least shed a tear or two. I've been looking forward to Cuaron's return for a while and it looks like he won't disappoint.

This one of those moments, in addition to the sniper fight that proceeded it and the swamp-crossing segment from much earlier, that encapsulated the eerie isolation the MGS3 was setting out to saturate players in. It was also the quickest way to get Snake to the top of the mountain. Also, I really dig the James Bond

There was some talk by the creators about doing up a comic that would ostensively have been season 3. They had drafted out a plot that would conclude everyone's arch. A wonderful show with strong supporting performances all around. We sorely miss it.

For a while, my Friday nights consisted of a chocolate ice cream sundae and the latest episode of Brisco. Loved this show as kid!

Monster jumps out from this corner and yells, "BOO!"

All suitable locales for any number of Half-Life 2 fan films. Or for those young up and coming filmmakers feeling a more than a little ambitious - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. flicks!

My wife and I courted to this show. Her sister gave her the boxed set for her birthday one year and she took it to Florida with her when she moved. I had missed its original run when I was a kid and she insisted that we watch it in its entirety. We have such fond memories of drinking too much and plowing through the

During our period of unemployment a couple years back, my wife and I would quell our depression by watching Reaper through a pot fueled haze, as it had just premiered on Netflix stream. Ray Wise as The Devil was brilliant casting. He owns that character and is like no other portrayal of the dark prince. The one to

I’ve always had a soft spot for the ill-fated Earth 2. While Clancy Brown makes an excellent heavy, it was refreshing to see him inhabit a sympathetic character. He was one of the biggest draws of that show.