
It's difficult to assert a solid qualitative conclusion of the gameplay based on what 2K has shown other than, it's BioShock with black ink aliens that possess humans. Of course, it may not even matter how well "XCOM/The Bureau" played as its entire existence could, as the Giant Bombcast crew jokingly hypothesized,

I forget who it was, but someone famous (possibly attached to the production) called this "A poor man's Star Wars."

I'm surprised this sexy space satire wasn't mentioned.

Also, James Cameron. I believe he did some of the matte paintings.

This is the first thing I thought of too.

It would be a huge pity to see XCOM/The Bureau turn into vaporware. A pulpy alien invasion story set in this era of American history is a captivating idea. Perhaps, they'll just rebrand it, polish it and release it under the rumored moniker. The concept is too rife with potential that would make for an awesome

That Ninja Gaiden screen was such a tease for my young gore-hound self. I was so ready to see Ryu’s innards splatter across the inside of the monitor. Imagine my disappointment. However, years later Phantasmagoria’s gruesome pendulum death give me a little tickle in that special spot I reserve exclusively for such

The synth music is so moody and effective at submerging the player in the Mass Effect ambience; I’m surprised it hasn’t been ripped off as much as the Inception horn.

Remember the 1993 Mike Meyers vehicle “So, I Married An Axe Murderer?” Someone should make that but as a loving tribute to games instead of the darkness tinged rom-com. Use these poems as a jumping off point for the ones in the film or just rip them off wholesale and pay the authors’ their royalties. Leave in the axe

What if you have a new actor playing Shepard every week?

There’s an idea! The potential to make your character a junky/alcoholic as an optional gameplay system; will he/she pop extra morphine tabs to numb the pain of combat or will they drown their woes at the bottom of a bottle of that tasty, iridescent blue stuff risking an addiction? While we're at it, let's throw in

Maybe for the next go-round BioWare will let us mess up our characters’ teeth. I’m talkin gnarly shit like ingrown incisors, Madonna/Lauren Hutton style gaps and that gross black mold people get on their molars. I wanna make the ugliest dude or dudette imaginable and a bad, nicotine-stained smile goes a long way to

As someone who can speak from firsthand experience, how much actual “rehabilitation” goes on during the rehabilitation process?

Everything I read and hear about “Prison Architect” fascinates me to no end. I’m dying to play it; but somehow I can’t force myself to justify the cost. Nearly thirty bucks for just the game is asking quite a bit especially if your potential audience is living the tightened belt lifestyle. I’ve similar sentiments

Guess this puts XismonbelmontX in the running for Husband of the Year.

They got my greenlight... also, my money.

Vaguely reminiscent of Indiana Jones and His Desktop Adventures. Hope this kind of subversive game design takes off. Us office drones could use the distraction while looking like we’re genuinely putting in eight hours.

Sadly, this industry is still polluted with straight-white-male entitlement. No offense to all the well-meaning straight white males out there. Y’all are the Riggs to my Murtaugh. ::Kisses:: But it’s this line of thinking holding the medium back. Also, the reason games are perceived to be no more than toys to babysit