
Don't know, but I bet the people like yourself who are whining about it thought the "Boys Are Stupid, Throw Rocks At Them" t-shirt from a few years ago was hilarious and empowering. Personally I don't really care either way (getting upset over kids t-shirts is a bit pathetic), but the feminist hypocrisy is amusing to

You could have a female Doctor Who in theory, I suppose, and I've got nothing against the idea per se, but I'd have to oppose it as a matter of principle; I don't believe in conceding to political correctness or whiny feminists. If there are people out there who think Doctor Who being white and male is even an issue,

Because political correctness is boring.

The only prejudice I see here is yours. You're obsessed with race and white dudes. Doctor Who shouldn't be changed just for the sake of political correctness.

Hopefully never. It wouldn't be believable and would ruin the whole thing.

Only the second girl, Victoria, stood out to me as being more attractive than usual. The other three were very plain and ordinary. Fair enough, they'll turn him down because he's socially awkward, has bad fashion sense. and I doubt they share many common interests, but they weren't exactly miles out of his league in

Utter craziness.

She looks like someone who has had too much to drink, just gotten home, and vomited all over her kitchen floor.

Not at all, she just looks sick/drunk.

Highly unlikely and there's no evidence to suggest so. Women, for obvious reasons, have always been considered valuable as gynaecologists and midwives.

"Why is it these guys who are completely average think they deserve to date Angelina Jolie? Seriously? That's either ridiculously entitled, seriously deluded, or both."

You're a white Uncle Tom, assuming you're actually white and not a Jew pretending to be white.

A black man abusing his authority in the workplace to discipline whites unfairly or deny them promotions is oppression, as are the very real and frequent hate crimes/murders that happen to whites in black neighborhoods.

That never happened. Trayvon was the one who confronted and attacked Zimmerman. Anyway, white America has been expected to just roll over and take racism from blacks for a long time, but now the tables are turned you're complaining?

Or it could simply be, for the religious and cultural reasons pointed out, that it would have been considered inappropriate for a man to have such detailed knowledge of female intimate problems and anatomy, so therefore a male author would have used a female pseudonym to protect himself.

Why? Whites have had to put up with racism from blacks for ages, but now the tables are turned you're complaining?

I suspect that if she did she would. The delusional and paranoid ranting of feminists will get a negative reaction in any century. Of course, though, she didn't do that, and I imagine she'd have very little respect for women who do.

Don't you think allegations of a "campaign" against her are a bit extreme?

The difference between the cat and the baby, is that when the baby has grown old enough to understand and care, you won't be able to recognize them from their baby photo. Not that I'd post pictures of any baby of mine all over Facebook, by the way, just making a point.

Well of course you'd disagree, you're one of the people oppressing them.