
Atheists have turned "reason" and "rational" into two of the most misused and abused words in the English language.

Well not really....if we're talking about something like bigfoot, which supposedly exists within the physical world, we can say with some certainty that at this point that it probably doesn't exist. Since god transcends the physical universe, we have no idea one way or the other, and there's no reason to think god not

I'm talking about things like "Piss Christ", or people who make plays where Jesus is portrayed as a homosexual deviant. Who'd do something like that? What's the point?

Abortion rights I would disagree with, even though I can see the need for it....but why would anyone support same-sex marriage? It serves absolutely no purpose, it's just self-indulgent shit-stirring. I'm sure a lot of them only support it just to spite religious people, so why would a Catholic go along with their

What if there was a guy who had a policy of not promoting whiny feminists and minorities?

OK, answer me this seriously.

I don't get why some people have to let their atheism take over their identity so much. They're almost as bad as the homosexuals, it's as if they feel a need to come out of their atheist closet or something. Just don't believe in god and leave it at that. I guess everyone just likes to be a victim these days.

You can demonstrate the non-existence of the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny - you can't do the same with god. The only real honest position to take is agnosticism.

Well of course they do, Affirmative Action makes sure they're promoted over more competent white men, hence the resentment among white men. Anyone who thinks that is "whining" is quite clearly a bigot.

Most of them actually seem to be Jews posing as white men, who use atheism as a vehicle to attack Christianity, although there's a strong contingent of white Ayn Rand fan boys. Having said that, Ayn Rand was a Christianity-hating Russian Jew, so they're not entirely unrelated.

But when women or minorities aren't smart enough to get the job, it's really because of some (imaginary) oppressive, glass ceiling?

Most of them actually seem to be Jews posing as white men, who use atheism as a vehicle to attack Christianity, although there's a strong contingent of white Ayn Rand fan boys. Having said that, Ayn Rand was a Christianity-hating Russian Jew, so they're not entirely unrelated.

"Whatever your views on Christianity, you have to acknowledge that at least the Bible tells people to be nice. There are a lot of people who really love that book, and they only follow the nice parts. Those are the people I'm talking about here. I'm not interested in being part of a movement that actively excises

No....I'm saying it's the internet and everyone lies, so there's no way for you to know that what I'm saying is true, and I've only got your word that what you're saying is true. Therefore it's pointless. We can both say anything we want and neither of us can prove it either way.

No, the two issues aren't even slightly related.

It's not a crime to follow someone, so by law you're not entitled to defend yourself until they physically touch you, and even then it has to be proportionate. Pounding someone's head into the sidewalk is not proportionate.

Had Trayvon kept his hands to himself, he'd still be in fact he did cause his own death when he left George Zimmerman with no choice but to defend himself....and you're a perfect example of why it was a mistake to allow women the're far too irrational to be allowed to make important decisions.

Their child wasn't murdered, he was killed in self-defense, therefore Zimmerman is innocent and was rightfully set free. I'm not surprised that they'd still be upset by that, but it's irrational. They're letting emotion cloud their judgement.

He was hoping someone would come to his help so that he wouldn't have to use his gun. It's clear that Zimmerman never had any intention of killing Trayvon, and only used his gun at the very last minute when he felt his life was in danger.

Here's a suggestion: don't pound the neighborhood watchman's head into the sidewalk.