Pretty sure if the team took the NFL to court they would have discovery, in which all the pats warts would be shown. This is a PR win for everyone
this entire article is a Classic deadspin reach around.
No, it’s a pain in the ass, but not an excuse for missing a 7pm tip. Ask caps fans those people flood Chinatown for caps games.
Can't spell collapse without caps....
95% of all govt employees get off at 530 and for any goons in va/ms its a reverse commute. I see plenty of ape caps fans rolling in from the nether regions of the dmv for their games. Nice try
As a philly fan living in DC since 2001, I can totally agree with this. And the wiz are the only team that deserve some love, they get none....
The Poor DMV, every year i watch the excitement....Merch flies off the shelf, bros buying new dc hats and new found fans pack the bars, then this. Typical....but like the Phoenix the tide will rise again, only to be snuffed out. All the while people will forget the shitty owners never upgrade quite enough. But hey,…
He didn’t need to help out, they had it covered. With 2-3 seconds left maybe, but not with 8 and his teammate being right there. It was a terrible mental mistake.
DC brau sucks.
Hey we are deadspin,, we are totally out of ideas.....send help....
There is a huge difference in warming balls in one game versus a systemic covert operation to do it. I’m not disagree he is a dipshit, but even you troll sacks know that's not a worthy comparison. If you want to pile on roger that's fine, but at least put in some work. This article is blows.
That's only for white folks you dumbass
The NBA has offices in seacacus? Jesus.
Pop is actually a nice guy, I bumped into him at a restaurant in DC and told him his interviews are the best. He was actually really nice.
Easily beaten is coincidently my drag name.
Wearing the name of another man on you shirt/jersey is pretty gay.
That link's dead. Did Putin have it whacked?
Some where a squirrel is water skiing and begging for you a-holes to take note. Instead you post this. Slow news day....
McCoy is fun, but his contract will be hindering the bills for a while