
THe rules in the NFL favor the offense, there's not a lot of disparity on offense. Where you can add value in today's NFL is on the defense side, hence the switch.

Syracuse fined., money to go to fat white ncaa assholes.

Filed to: Timothy Burke: Probably not racist, just a shitty deadspin writer.

Shut up

Long con, well played

I stopped reading after you said that a pass near the elbow and a hand off was a bad play. It's execution....not design.

Good point, you forget to check your hyperbole ....


Dudes. For real....not even close

I watch all sports on mute with music playing. I miss the crowd noise, but it's worth the trade off.

At first I was like what?! Then I was like oh yeah....I need to stop drinking

This arrest is going to purplesarus Rex my career

Wow bobert, Look at this legal speak bitches "definitely determine".

The NFL is a fucking joke.

About half way thru I realized I don't give a shit about this. I came here for the religion bashing.....what a let down.

Lol, le begging

Really great writing. Fuck Jason Williams

Fuck yes! Brilliant

Lol thanks for the info. That dude James brown from the nfl pregame show is the worst. Berman from ESPN does this now as well.

+1 knee slap