
This guy is talented and plays hard, but this behavior should be a concern. Mental health is no joke. Hopefully is more being young and dumb. If not, get the guy some help.

You da man now dog.

Fight the good fight!

100% sure?

Can’t say I I now much about him, what made his so cool is you can tell he’s a good guy, he just had that presence.

Dance yourself clean.

Some people don’t value those things, some people value living in the most exciting city on earth.

Still better than where you live....

I’m sure he would gladly pay that to live in NY over your life. im not knocking your life, I’m just saying he probably doesn’t want it.


Sergeant Deux-Deux is on the case

His mom is from my hometown, and his gma (rip) and my mom were buddies. they helped him out a lot when he was younger, but he didn’t seem to appreciative. got to meet him on tje slippery when wet tour, was pretty nice.

Hey dummy, the big reveal that was Ford was on the side of the robots.

There appears to be few good guys in the NFL, or maybe they just doesn’t show over the assholes. threatening to kill a guy on thanksgiving, just so fucking dumb. i guess I’m pussified.

True. hes an ass, but seems like he needs help. i suspected a while ago he was going or was mad, so I just stopped paying attention.

Dumb comment

Unless winning is not cool.

Is this And one, if so perfectly acceptable to celebrate.

HoW can you seas dey dicks in the videom?

It’s not about quiting your job, it’s about getting involved in ways that you can to fight for what you believe in.