
Don’t have a VW, so it didn’t take me five minutes to anything. Presenting lookup tables just lets me know that the people in charge aren’t actually interested in providing the information to anyone.

So what should I call the math in this instance? Other than a waste of time.

Avoiding meaningless“work” is not being lazy!

Jesus christ. Tables? Someone (VW) should be publishing a god damned application to take care of those calculations for you.

The inside of my car is like a park. You bring your garbage out with you. I even take the receipt I get at a drive thru and put it in my pocket.

All of the cars are detuned from where they “could” be. Ford just happened to be tuned about on par with Ferrari resulting in a good fight there. Aston and Corvette were forced to sit in their wake.

No Z has ever sounded good short of an engine swap.

I think this is the spot.

I want to know when the V8 will be put in there. Every other engine is undignified.

Looks better in person (especially with the chrome gone). But I am biased by ownership.

That is the 2014/15 fascia and hood. 2016 has scoops and vents.

*Please insert party loyalty card to be assigned road queue priority.*

The news is just that exciting!

I don’t understand. Who goes WOT on wet roads especially when there is a turn involved!!! I feel I am rightfully scared of the thought.

My cats are not declawed and I understand all the reasons for not having it done. I just don’t understand why those same reasons wouldn’t apply to mutilating their genitals. Isn’t that just a human convenience measure as well?

One cell-phone app that tracks your location, ambient temperature, speed, and acceleration figures. Enable on your typical commute to work. Then the manufacturer can tell you what you’d most likely achieve on your exact route if you had used their car to traverse it!

Let us just cut out the gifting all together. If you want something, buy it!

Just looked at Llandow circuit on google maps and it is a simple, very short, flat track. I think a larger track with more complex challenges would be required to differentiate between the two vehicles.

10LBS/ 1whp. That is for a NA engine. I could settle for a slightly worse power/weight if I had some solid forced induction torque.