
So what are your feelings about a slapping a tach out there? Soothing? Or are you still too wounded?

Driving too quickly with a mismatched set of tires on the car. Nothing commendable about this at all! A more modern car with better ESC and there would have been nothing but a minor pulsing noise from the rear.

So like, I get I need Excel to play the base game. Does this require MATLAB?

Hey now. Several thousand have been sold!!!! I did my part.

I am happy to hear that! My remark on the water spots is only in jest.

Water spots on the door! NOOOOOOOOO.

If the programming is audacious enough, we may see some really exciting stuff. I want to see cars actively provoke the weakest parts of each others driving algorithms. Team vehicles working in tandem to cause other vehicles programming to flip out would be awesome.

I’m going to keep harping Chevy SS.

The interior is good. Seats are comfortable if a bit wide for skinny folks (me). Steering wheel is right sized, and the dash is nice enough to look at. It clobbers the chargers interior but is decidedly not anything close to luxury. Magnetic ride delivers an awesome ride in tour as well.

I got my 2016 SS with stick for no markup, 500 under invoice plus conquest incentive. Bought it right off the lot.

People really need to go out and see this car in person, then drive it. It is an amazing vehicle.

Three distinct thoughts enter my mind as a result of this article.

Chevy SS says whaaaaaaat?

I am sure all brands performance models will continue to have modes that alleviates that issue.

So true! The restaurant that charged the exorbitant markup on items that had a known list price would have long gone out of business!

Local shops are going to the same places and ordering the same exact parts as what people see are available at their “true” price.

No ESP? Why??????? If he just hadn’t hit the brakes he would have gone round that lazy curve just fine!

That condom will in most cases save a child more money than they would ever make investing.

Just seeing it makes me feel childish. I cannot imagine actually owning it and having people be able to see it. *Shivers*

I’m sorry, I think you forgot Soldier of Fortune. If the shotgun isn’t removing limbs, then it isn’t good enough.