
4:40 Logging Onramp? lol

Damn you. Stop. You’re making me think bad thoughts.

Counterpoint - Your boss equates presentations with slides.

Chevy SS!

Chargers are much less athletic than the SS. Which isn’t a huge selling point to be honest. Most people looking will be just as happy with a Charger and its lower price tag. Not many people in the market for a 4 door Camaro.

I am glad you bought one of those. The V6 I test drove was slow a shit. It is too bad they are hesitant to stick that engine in a smaller vehicle :-(

Try as they might, Hyundai owners never could locate horsepower.

I’d say they have gone from “cool” to “neat”. That properly conveys the downward level of trendiness but retains a small bit of it.

Looooool. Nope.

I agree with you. People aren’t being told to do that though, and are sometimes wondering why the TURBO itself isn’t giving them those sweet MPGs.

If not “real world” lets try for “realer world”. The manufacturers are basically hypermiling their way through canned tests. Jokers, the lot of them.

I know the turbo engines are fine. I am just making light of the average consumer being deluded and thinking they have power and efficiency at the same exact time. They aren’t. Lead foots will do better NA.

4Th Gear: Here comes real world performance testing and the end of the supposedly magical fuel sipping turbo engines.

Time to invest in an ABS.

The cars that do the best at this test are the ones that skirt off to the side. Anyone know what kind of surface they are testing on? The test area looks to have a lower friction surface than asphalt. Combine a smooth floor surface with some of those shit low rolling resistance OEM tires and some cars may not be

14.5 MPG combined in my G8 , 42 miles a day. Could not care less!

People don’t pay attention to rote routines. It is one of the things that allows us to actually get shit done. Every car with a key that I have had has a “key in ignition” door chime. I am quite sure that isn’t there for fun. To not have the equivalent for push to start is stupid.

1st Gear: Automakers Sued Over Apparent Keyless Ignition Carbon Monoxide Deaths

I can’t believe anyone would say anything different. Prius, Volt? CHILDS PLAY.

Didn’t follow the inspection guidelines and let the thing out with a sticker? Totally liable in this instance. Manslaughter? Maybe. Loss of inspection license and denial of his business license renewal by the state? Absolutely.