words aren't equivalent if the power balance isn't. There are no equivalents to the N word for white people, there's no equivalent to b***h or c**t for men.
words aren't equivalent if the power balance isn't. There are no equivalents to the N word for white people, there's no equivalent to b***h or c**t for men.
Yeah. Lets take our cues from a dude who still unapologetically thinks the N word is goddamn hilarious and as long as he disguises himself with a little complaining about racists from time to time he feels allowed to roll it out for laughs.
The problem was your approach. It really didn't make much sense. You should be attempting to reclaim the word precisely because it's a big deal. It's a big deal and you get to use it. We don't. Ugh. I'm sorry if I sound mansplainy but I've watched my women friends discuss this in considerable distress this week…
it's cute that you're stupid enough to post this.
If you're going to make a post like this you should at least point Katie here:
FYI: Your first comment was actually a sub-comment and not to Lindy.
I don't agree entirely but this whole thing could be fixed with a bathroom setup i've been seeing more and more of lately. Stalls are inclosed rooms, there's long line of them, and the sinks are co-ed. I've seen it in several restaurants and it works just fine, then it doesn't matter what people identify at any age.
I wonder if TERFS will be torn over this one, since their normal "Trans* women just want to rape us" trope doesn't apply. (here or in reality). It's harder for them to turn a little kid into a monster.
what is the legality here. Could they have used this model in a different context claiming it's not audrey hepburn? if not, How much of the cgi model has to be different to avoid litigation. Could you say "Obviously I haven't named this CGI model audrey, and my model has different earlobes and different colored eyes."
" and lemme tell ya, the "pretty boys" kinda suck in the sack. "
If they balanced it out with more man on man blowjobs I'd forgive it, sadly that character got killed. But i loved the idea of bros getting uncomfortable during those scenes.
thank you sir, It's very important to make sure us white men are treated fairly. It's totally a 1 to 1 equation here and we obviously need all the help we can get.
I was willing to eat any animal because i thought the "we don't eat cute shit" was a horrible standard. I said it was all or nothing. Then I spent a day looking at pictures of adorable piglets and staying true to my assessment, gave up meat across the board.
Burn it down.
Yeah. Let's base our feelings on this on a guy who thinks ni**er is one of the funniest words to say.
I think the same thing but from the position that Louie should definitely not get a pass.
Well yeah. The answer is obviously that women just won't have any ambition in the game industry. Other industries the ceo gender split is 50/50 with absolutely no sexism present. Amirite?
it must be so exasperating trying to explain to us simpletons why its cool for white people to say the N-word now. God bless you for your service you selfless racist dickbag.
I'm in the same ballpark as parker. 40-50 a year. Except I have no college debt, no car (bikeable city), no kids, and can put like 30% of what i make into my retirement. I had a semester of community college 16 years ago, but was too lazy for it. When people ask what white male privilege is, I raise my hand. It really…