
"Let's break it up and start fresh."

I walked over, told them to scoot over. After 10 seconds of dead silence I said so whats happening at this table? I get nothing.. I then explained it was my store and they should spill it...

I have to disagree. As a black person who, for a time, could not pick up a single book without encountering some throw-away line disparaging black people or using the N-word—even in books that HAD no black characters or where the terms and comments had absolutely nothing to do with the plot—being forced to


That's because what you said is pretty homophobic.

You're branded a misogynist when you do or say misogynistic things. Don't say or so such thing, you won't get called on it. If you keep getting called that, there's a good chance the problem is you.

I mean, is it also wrong that vegans and vegetarians eat veggie burgers because they vaguely resemble burgers? It's just easier to adapt certain recipes than to come up with all new ones to have variety.

Because that food doesn't look anything like an animal. Shrimp, sure, but other than that? Almost no meat that you consume actually *looks* like the animal it came from. And most meat-eaters go to great lengths to keep their food *from* looking like the animal it came from.

I'm not sure why this is confusing for people. Nothing about a hamburger looks like a cow. So how does that not make the meat-eater the one in denial?

Because food is connected to a multitude of emotions and feelings that go back to our childhoods, our personal relationships, our emotional histories, etc. and that sometimes "American-style tacos" can help cheer a person up, even if the beef is soy, because it's, say, connected to a time in their life when their

are you for real? not caring is completely understandable. having gone through life literally not knowing there was more than one way to cook an egg is BAFFLING. the thing that is baffling is HE DIDN'T KNOW OTHER WAYS EXISTED, not that he didn't know how to do it himself.


"Why are women so afraid to say "no" and instead lie to get out of a situation as quickly as possible?"

Er, did you see what happened when they actually said no?

Dear Ms Bialik,

Running through the streets with a flame thrower yelling "KILL ANYTHING WITH A FUCKING DICK" is man bashing. Some fictional characters in an animated Disney movie without a man as its central hero? Not so much.

You're welcome.

That's just like the guy who asked me if I was scared of his "big white man's cock," because I'm an "overly submissive Asian." This was after he said he got "yellow fever" just from looking at me.

It's worth noting that you don't understand the word "primarily".

I mean, you may be right about some of that (at least in terms of discerning motives), but I have to ask... "supposed" social issues?

What puzzles me is that a lot of these are the same people who got so mad when Ebert insisted that games couldn't be art. Now they are being treated like art: examined and criticized

There's a really really strong undercurrent of misogyny in Gamer Gate. It's worth noting that the people being attacked for their "ethics" are primarily women.

Can you share with us why exactly you are still mournful despite the racist, fat-shaming, things she said? The things she said about Palestinians being "subhuman"? I recognize her legendary status as a great comic/pioneering woman but I'm having a hard time overlooking that stuff. So I'm genuinely curious about the

You're thinking of libertarians..