
I'm against the standards of beauty pushed on women, but I'm also against snarking on someone else's physical features when you think they conform to those standards.

internet commenter uses ableist slur to insult apologetic person who made a sexist comment. High ground: Apologetic sexist.

I know. He can hardly contain his apologetic glee. He's one of those types that are just dying to screw up on purpose so they can apologize. Yeah, those are people who totally exist and aren't made up at all.

why is it moving rapidly to the right?

"Of COURSE she's going to resort to degrading, demeaning, and offensive words and there's no law to stop her from doing so. If you don't want to hear it, don't tune in."

and i spent 2600 on a 3d printer.

You created an account for that? This puts your jimmies rustled level at over 9000.

You should probably get belly tattoo that says "Fetal Tomb"

your enthusiasm betrays that this was on your cruise ship checklist, crisis or no.

A puppetmaster can have fun that a puppet isn't having.

Hence the classic: Is someone eating a shit sandwich, or are there congressmen about?

How they goin Hawkeye?

It's like how sports injuries cost a heck of a lot of money for the health care system. The overal disdain for athletes is unfortunate but what can you do? we're disgusted by what we're disgusted by. Oh, also just concerned for their safety, etc. etc.

It will be interesting to watch how careful about jumping to conclusions people will be when it's a white man who's murdered a woman.

so if you had a salt of the earth friend standing next to you that... and sure you feel bad about it... but you thought they were a mutant too, you'd still let fly?

how spot on was the fact that fat women are hilariously unattractive, or that persians have some hilariously disgusting body hair?

Don't combat shitty behavior with more shitty behavior. The fact the guy doesn't strike you as attractive is a shitty place to put the brunt of your attack. There's enough to go after to have to worry about his looks.

Computer, Explain, joke.

Don't say it out loud. White people tend to get really bent out of shape about reverse racism (lol) while explaining to everyone else why they're overreacting about blackface and hipsters wearing native headdresses.

what's the proper context for fat women are unattractive and that's hilarious? or whats the proper context for hairy Persian women with their hilarious gross body hair?